Sitcharn, Karine
Le thème des préjugés raciaux est peu traité en science de l'éducation et dans l'histoire de l'éducation en France (Dubet,1993), tel n'est pas le cas dans la recherche antillaise. Celle-ci souligne le fait que de l'abolition de l'esclavage à 1946 aux Antilles, l'école au service de la domination des élites n'éradique pas les discriminations raciale...
Souza, Soraya Archangelo, Ana de Mendonça, Lilian Cardozo
This paper discusses school in our (post) pandemic time-space and how new forms of suffering and psychic survival were engendered in the Covid-19 pandemic. The discussion proposed results from an investigation in which weekly remote group conversations were held with elementary and middle public-school teachers in the state of São Paulo, during the...
Rivas, Karina Calduch Pérez, Isaac Prats, Enric
This article examines the impact and implications of two educational innovation initiatives in Catalonia, the "Comprehensive schools" and the "360 Education” movement, in terms of social justice and educational equity. Through a case study approach involving documentary review and semi-structured interviews with key actors, the backgrounds, objecti...
Indri, Carla Maria
The objective of this article is to address the crossovers between literature for children with the publishing market and the school from an itinerary that the figure of Juana Azurduy follows in three different proposals: Juana, the intrepid captain (2016) by Adela Basch , edited by Loqueleo; Juana Azurduy, the hidden force (2019) by Paula Bombara,...
Moreno Medina, Irene Murillo Torrecilla, Francisco Javier Fernandes, Preciosa
This research seeks to understand the functioning of Portugal’s Territórios Educativos de Intervenção Prioritária (TEIP) program in order to obtain some lessons learned that can be applied to improving equity in education in Spain. For this purpose, a case study of a group of schools participating in the TEIP program, which has made substantial imp...
Castro Cifuentes, Mauricio Alejandro
The following paper analyzes the development of school literacy in Chile, in the context of the evaluative weight of standardized measurements, and how these alter the curricular guidelines in schools. The hypothesis is that writing suffers a displacement as a learning objective, given the centrality that reading comprehension acquires in external ...
Jiménez Berrocal, Fernando
La judería es la denominación genérica del ámbito urbano donde residen los judíos en la España medieval. Cuando la judería contaba con las instituciones reglamentarias y con sus edificios comunitarios correspondientes (sinagoga, escuela, baño ritual, cementerio, etc.), se denomina aljama de los judíos. Por las fuentes documentales sabemos de la pre...
Alvarado Soto, Natalia Abarca Bonilla, Viviana
El artículo plantea los resultados de una investigación realizada entre 2020 y 2022 por parte de dos tutoras de la cátedra de Psicopedagogía de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia, con el objetivo de analizar la atención recibida por la población estudiantil con discapacidad que enfrenta barreras para el aprendizaje en tiempos de la pandemia por el ...
Yepes Cardona, Susana Giraldo Gil, Elida
In this article we present the results of a qualitative study that explored the modes of existence of a group of students in a school context in the city of Medellín. The methods used were semi-structured interviews, written narratives and visual narratives. The thematic analysis allows us to give meaning to the curriculum as a welcoming space wher...
Balyer, Aydin Özcan, Kenan
The main purpose of this study was to determine school administrators and teachers’ views on change fatique in education. The research was conducted with a qualitative research method. The study employed a phenomenological research design. The participants of the research were 10 school administrators and 15 teachers determined with purposive sampl...