Burr, W. W.
The profitable cultivation of the non-irrigable lands in west central and western Nebraska is limited by the amount and efficient use of the precipitation. There are tracts of land in the sand hills and minor tracts of badly worn heavier soils where the need of soil fertility is becoming evident. But, in the main, the great problem at present is no...
Hanson, Herbert Christian
The State of Arizona is marked by a great series of cliffs that extend from the mouth of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in the northwestern part of the state southeastward into New Mexico. This line of cliffs, rising 1000 to 4000 feet above the desert plains forms the southwestern and southern boundary of the great physiographic province ca...
McDill, Ruth
Öster, Johannes
En Kvartärmorfolgisk studie i Järvsö och Färila socknar i Hälsingland.
Errington, Paul L.
The native Bob-white (Colinus virginianus) and the introduced Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus torquatus) may both, on occasion, suffer severe winter mortality over much of their common range in north-central United States. Their habitats often overlap, although the Pheasant has a greater cruising radius and an ability to live in a more op...
Eschmeyer, R. William Tarzwell, Clarence M.
An inventory of fishing on Norris, a storage reservoir, was begun in 1938. The following year it was extended to Wheeler, a run-of-the-river reservoir, and to the tailwater area below Wilson Dam. This inventory, therefore, covered each of the three general types of fish habitats created by the TVA dams. This discussion is a summary of the 1939 fish...
Hess, A.D. Tarzwell, Clarence M.
The viviparous top minnow, Gambusia affinis affinis (Baird and Girard), has for many years been considered an important predator of the immature stages of mosquitoes. Various field workers have reported on the value of this species in controlling both anopheline and culicine mosquitoes, but few detailed studies have been made. Probably the most det...
Mohler, Levi L.
During the 1942 pheasant hunting season in Nebraska 479 bagged cock pheasants were weighed in western and southwestern counties. Analysis of the weights revealed that the time of the open season apparently has a material effect upon the tonnage of meat harvested for human consumption.
McClure, H. Elliot
A study of the ecology and management of the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus c. torquatus) was begun in Nebraska in the spring of 1941. Prime among the objectives of the survey was to devise some method by which the populations could be estimated or counted. In conjunction with roadside counts as practiced in Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania and...
McClure, H. Elliot
In plans for the Nebraska Upland Game Bird Pittman Robinson Project the censusing of pheasants and tabulation of population densities was of prime importance. A summary of the data at hand and a comparison of the various methods tried will be discussed here.