Thermal characterization of an IGBT power module with on-die temperature sensors
APEC 2017 - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Tampa, ETATS-UNIS, 18-/05/2017 -
APEC 2017 - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Tampa, ETATS-UNIS, 18-/05/2017 -
PCIM Europe 2017, Nuremberg, ALLEMAGNE, 16-/05/2017 - 18/05/2017
CIPS 2016 - 9th International Conference on integrated Power Electronics Systems, Nuremberg, ALLEMAGNE, 08-/03/2016 - 10/03/2016
EPE'15 ECCE-Europe, 2015 17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Geneve, SUISSE, 09-/09/2015 - 10/09/2015
EPE 13 - European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, Lille, FRANCE, 03-/09/2013 - 05/09/2013
PCIM Europe 2012 - International Exhibition & Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality 2012 , Nuremberg, ALLEMAGNE, 08-/05/2012 - 10/05/2012
This paper proposes a synthesis of different electrical methods used to estimate the temperature of power semiconductor devices. The following measurement methods are introduced: the voltage under low current levels, the threshold voltage, the voltage under high current levels, the gate-emitter voltage, the saturation current, and the switching tim...