Tatou, Kevin Wolter, Liam
Syftet med detta kandidatarbetet är att hitta ett sätt att spåra och förebygga nätmobbning med hjälp av självinlärningssystem, webbteknologier och antimobbningsmetoder. Uppsatsen tar även upp problematiken kring mobbning i skolor, nätmobbning och ansvarstagande inom utvecklande av webbapplikationer. Denna studien går vidare in på olika typer av nät...
Westerberg, Jacob
The artificial intelligence is a constant topic of conversation with a field of research that is pushed forward by some of the world's largest companies and universities. Deep learning is a branch of machine learning within artificial intelligence based on learning representation of data such as images and texts by processing the data through deep ...
Falkstål, Linus
Det här är en systematisk litteraturstudie som belyser förhållandet mellan de tre begreppen entreprenöriellt förhållningssätt, problemlösning i matematik och djupinlärning i matematik. Resultatet består av två metaanalyser som behandlar begreppens likheter och skillnader men också dess samband till olika teoretiska utgångspunkter. Resultatet visar ...
Zhou, Tianyu
Traditional shortest path algorithms can efficiently find the optimal paths in graphs using simple heuristics. However, formulating a simple heuristic is challenging under the road network setting since there are multiple factors to consider, such as road segment length, edge centrality, and speed limit. This study investigates how a neural network...
Ghandeharioon, Cosar
The transportation industry has a significant effect on the sustainability and development of a society. Learning traffic patterns, and predicting the traffic parameters such as flow or speed for a specific spatiotemporal point is beneficial for transportation systems. For instance, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) can use forecasted result...
Sjökvist, Henrik
This thesis explores a machine learning task where the data contains not only numerical features but also free-text features. In order to employ a supervised classifier and make predictions, the free-text features must be converted into numerical features. In this thesis, an algorithm is developed to perform that conversion. The algorithm uses a p...
Tersander, Jacob
The paradigm of diffusion research can be traced back all the way to the 1940s when Ryan and Gross investigated the diffusion of hybrid seed among farmers in Iowa. Since the 1960s diffusion research has been applied in a wide variety of disciplines, for instance, to study the diffusion of the Internet and the non-diffusion of the Dvorak keyboard. C...
Fleron, Emil
Sexual abuse is a horrible reality for many children around the world. As technology improves the availability of encryption schemes and anonymity over the internet, the perpetrators of these acts are increasingly hard to track. There have been several advances in recent time to automate the work of trying to catch these perpetrators and especially...
Granström, Daria Abrahamsson, Johan
It is essential for a bank to estimate the credit risk it carries and the magnitude of exposure it has in case of non-performing customers. Estimation of this kind of risk has been done by statistical methods through decades and with respect to recent development in the field of machine learning, there has been an interest in investigating if machi...
Karlsson, Erik Nordhammar, Gilbert
Ett vanligt problem inom supervised learning är brist på taggad träningsdata. Naive semi-supervised deep learning är en träningsteknik som ämnar att mildra detta problem genom att generera pseudo-taggad data och därefter låta ett neuralt nätverk träna på denna samt en mindre mängd taggad data. Detta arbete undersöker om denna teknik kan förbättras ...