Ruben Tibbe, Magnus
The early diagnosis of motion disorders is a crucial step towards early intervention and thus a better quality of life for the child as well as easier adaption for the parents. However, reliable diagnostic methods like Prechtl’s General Movement Assessment require trained expert staff making them time- and labour-intensive. For this reason, researc...
Carlsson, Elin
De alltmer påtagliga klimatförändringar som sker runt om i världen ställer allt större krav på varje enskilt land att minska utsläppen av fossila bränslen. Därav jobbar både Sverige och många andra länder för de globala målen, som bland annat innebär att lösa klimatkrisen innan år 2030. För att uppnå detta mål krävs en stor omställning i samhället,...
Reichhuber, Sarah
Premature neonates are at risk for several life-threatening events during their first weeks of life, such as sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis. These events are hard to detect in neonates, due to varying symptoms and unspecific clinical signs. This project aims to detect late-onset sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis in patients up to 24 hours ...
Berg, Evelina Ritze, Mattias
The semiconductor industry has since the 1960s been following the pace set by Moore’s Law. In recent years, artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning and deep learning, has started to become commonly used in the semiconductor industry. This thesis aims to examine how artificial intelligence is being used in the production processes of ...
Abdi, Johan Hansson Huber, Felix
One of the leading global health issues is cancer. For women, by far the most pervasive variant is breast cancer. It was also one of the cancers with the highest number of new cases in 2020. To give individuals suffering from breast cancer the best chance possible to survive it is vital to detect the disease early. To do so, computer-aided diagnost...
Elías Jofré Machuca, Sebastián
The brain relies heavily on consistent blood supply to prevent cerebral ischemia, with altered hemodynamics linked to a variety of conditions. Despite the detailed measurements of cerebrovascular flow provided by 4D Flow MRI, achieving accurate hemodynamic quantification necessitates labor-intensive manual data analysis. In this study, we propose a...
Hansen, Johanna
In a world under the constant impact of global warming, wetlands are decreasing in size all across the globe. As the wetlands are a vital part of preventing global warming, the ability to prevent their shrinkage through restorative measures is critical. Continuously orbiting the Earth are satellites that can be used to monitor the wetlands by colle...
Banaei Mobarak Abadi, Ali
Recent advances in sequencing technologies such as Single-Cell RNA or Spatial transcriptomics have provided scientists with an abundant amount of data. These data contain valuable information on the changes and developments of a cell. However, analyzing this massive amount of data and extracting useful information is not a trivial task. Machine Lea...
Puranen Åhfeldt, Theo
As drones are becoming ubiquitous, robust detection and tracking of potentially hostile drones is becoming a necessity. Among the many approaches being investigated in this relatively new research area, one cost effective option is the use of optical cameras equipped with computer vision algorithms. With the use of deep learning, it becomes possibl...
Eriksson, Max
This master’s thesis investigates the application of advanced machine learning models for the identification and classification of Swedish predators using camera trap images. With the growing threats to biodiversity, there is an urgent need for innovative and non-intrusive monitoring techniques. This study focuses on the development and evaluation ...