Lozano-Bilbao, Enrique Alcázar-Treviño, Jesús Alduán, Manuel Lozano, Gonzalo Hardisson, Arturo Rubio, Carmen González-Weller, Dailos Paz, Soraya Carrillo, Manuel Gutiérrez, Ángel J
Published in
The Canary Islands are home to many cetacean species, many of which are resident species. The present work aims to analyze, for the first time to the best of the authors' knowledge, the macronutrients, micronutrients and trace elements and toxic heavy metals in muscle and liver tissue of six species of stranded cetaceans in the Canary Islands. The ...
Balestra, Costantino Guerrero, François Theunissen, Sigrid Germonpré, Peter Lafère, Pierre
Published in
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Purpose Data regarding decompression stress after deep closed-circuit rebreather (CCR) dives are scarce. This study aimed to monitor technical divers during a wreck diving expedition and provide an insight in venous gas emboli (VGE) dynamics. Methods Diving practices of ten technical divers were observed. They performed a series of three consecutiv...
Kastelic, Žoel
V diplomskem delu se na začetku osredotočim na stop-motion animacijo in njen razvoj skozi čas ter širok spekter možnosti, ki jih ponuja ta klasična tehnika animacije. V drugem delu se skozi analizo treh konkretnih primerov posvetim tematiki narave. Poleg stop-motion animiranega filma sem kot primera analizirala še deli s širšega področja avdiovizua...
Williams, N Moore, A Woods, M Forman, S
Published in
Occupational medicine (Oxford, England)
Measurement of waist circumference is used to assess abdominal fat and risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and stroke. It is performed in several clinical settings for health promotion and medical assessment purposes, including statutory medical assessments where results may influence decisions on fitness to work. Under the Diving at Wor...
Naser, Farah Abbas Rashid, Mofeed Turky
Published in
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
The ability of fish to change the swimming direction is directly related with maneuvering performance. One of the maneuvering aspects is the steering process. Maneuverability can be defined as the ability to turn in a confined area and it is measured as the turning radius trajectory in terms of the body length (R/BL, where R is defined as the turni...
John, Jason S Thometz, Nicole M Boerner, Katharine Denum, Laura Kendall, Traci L Richter, Beau P Gaspard, Joseph C Williams, Terrie M
Published in
The Journal of experimental biology
Unlike the majority of marine mammal species, Hawaiian monk seals (Neomonachus schauinslandi) and West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) reside exclusively in tropical or subtropical waters. Although potentially providing an energetic benefit through reduced maintenance and thermal costs, little is known about the cascading effects t...
Williams, Cassondra Ponganis, Paul
In the 1940s, Scholander and Irving revealed fundamental physiological responses to forced diving of marine mammals and birds, setting the stage for the study of diving physiology. Since then, diving physiology research has moved from the laboratory to the field. Modern biologging, with the development of microprocessor technology, recorder memory ...
Guan, Y D Ding, J Zheng, H N
Published in
Zhonghua lao dong wei sheng zhi ye bing za zhi = Zhonghua laodong weisheng zhiyebing zazhi = Chinese journal of industrial hygiene and occupational diseases
肺气压伤是指肺内压过高或过低于外界气压时造成肺组织和血管撕裂,以致气体进入血管和邻近组织而引起的包括一系列症状和体征的综合征,多见于使用轻潜水装具潜水逃生或潜艇艇员水下出艇,通常使用减压舱、选择不低于0.5 MPa(表压)加压治疗方案治疗。2019年11月东部战区总医院收治1例轻潜水装具作业、水底不当逃生引起的肺气压伤并发脑动脉气栓症患者,使用空气加压氧舱设备及0.12 MPa(表压)吸氧加压治疗方案,7 d后痊愈出院。.
Cho, Kenneth K Khanna, Shaun Lo, Phillip Cheng, Daniel Roy, David
Published in
The Medical journal of Australia
A patent foramen ovale (PFO) is an interatrial shunt, with a prevalence of 20-34% in the general population. While most people do not have secondary manifestations of a PFO, some reported sequelae include ischaemic stroke, migraine, platypnoea-orthodeoxia syndrome and decompression illness. Furthermore, in some cases, PFO closure should be consider...
Kot, Jacek Winklewski, Pawel J
Published in
Diving and hyperbaric medicine