Database management is a mature technology. By contrast, management of knowledge bases poses a multitude of questions for which no generally accepted solutions appear to be available so far. The study presented here addresses the question whether knowledge base management systems (KBMS) can be understood as simply extending the functionality of dat...
La thèse a été réalisé dans le cadre d'un projet Européen. L'objectif du projet EPSILON était de construire un système de gestion de connaissances (SGBC) reposant sur la logique du 1er ordre dans un contexte orienté objet. Ce gestionnaire est basé sur l'intégration des technologies de la programmation logique et des bases de données relationnelles....
Dessloch, S.Mitschang, B.Thomas, J. (Kaiserslautern Univ. (German...univ., kaiserslautern
Advanced data models and knowledge models together with their powerful query and manipulation languages have already proven to be essential for systems that support non-standard applications such as engineering and knowledge-based application systems. In order to raise their usability and acceptability, it is overly important to provide adequate im...
Dessloch, S.Mattos, N. (IBM Corp., San Jose, CA (USA...Mitschang, B.Thomas, J. (Kaiserslautern Univ. (German...Kaiserslautern Univ. (Germany). Zentrum ...