Marchuk, A. G.
Published in
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences
This paper presents a new infrastructure for creating specialized databases and database management systems (DBMSs). Some principles of this infrastructure are formulated based on an analysis of various NoSQL solutions. The main features of the proposed approach are: (a) a flexible system of type definitions that allows one to create data structure...
Psomadaki, S. (author)
The rapid developments in the field of point cloud acquisition technologies have allowed point clouds to become an important source of information for many applications. One of the newest applications of point clouds concerns the monitoring of the coast. Many countries, among which the Netherlands, use this source of data in order to determine the ...
Mesmoudi, Amin Hacid, Mohand-Saïd Toumani, Farouk
Published in
Distributed and Parallel Databases
In the era of bigdata, with a massive set of digital information of unprecedented volumes being collected and/or produced in several application domains, it becomes more and more difficult to manage and query large data repositories. In the framework of the PetaSky project (, we focus on the problem of managing scientifi...
Kumar, Kavisha (author) Ledoux, H. (author) Stoter, J.E. (author)
Point cloud data are an important source for 3D geoinformation. Modern day 3D data acquisition and processing techniques such as airborne laser scanning and multi-beam echosounding generate billions of 3D points for simply an area of few square kilometers. With the size of the point clouds exceeding the billion mark for even a small area, there is ...
Psomadaki, S (author) van Oosterom, P.J.M. (author) Tijssen, T.P.M. (author) Baart, F. (author)
Point cloud usage has increased over the years. The development of low-cost sensors makes it now possible to acquire frequent point cloud measurements on a short time period (day, hour, second). Based on the requirements coming from the coastal monitoring domain, we have developed, implemented and benchmarked a spatio-temporal point cloud data mana...
Ramkisoen, M.G.W. (author)
Fugro GeoServices is currently storing their CAD models of the Petrochemical Industry as attributes of 2D lines in a spatial DBMS. This solution works well for web visualization, but not for performing analyses in 3D. The main objective of this graduation project is to create a 3D spatial DBMS with solid CAD geometries as input. The difficulty of t...
Pronk, M.J. (author)
Solutions have been introduced to handle massive point clouds in Database Management Systems (DBMS), namely by Oracle in 2011 and postgreSQL in 2013. Many common operations on these massive point clouds require knowledge about the original surface in order to analyse them. A possible method to recreate a representation of the original surface is re...
Naloga se ukvarja z iskanjem sinergij med orodji za podatkovno rudarjenje in sistemi za upravljanje podatkovnih baz (SUPB). Predstavljajmo si situacijo analitičnega problema nad podatki, ki jih je preveč za obdelavo izključno v glavnem pomnilniku in premalo, da bi motivirali postavitev podatkovnega skladišča ali porazdeljenega analitičnega sistema....
Kang, Sanggil Hwang, Jaemin Kim, Jeonghyuk Heo, Nojeong
Published in
Multimedia Tools and Applications
In this paper, we develop 3D audio evaluation database (DB) for verifying performance of new developed 3D audio core algorithms such as sound source localization, artificial reverberation, source separation, and crosstalk cancellation. Our system is designed to evaluate the 3D audio core algorithms automatically. Conventional evaluation DBs have to...
Sila, Jernej
V diplomski nalogi sta predstavljena dva sistema za upravljanje s podatkovno bazo (NuoDB in VoltDB), ki spadata med tako imenovane podatkovne baze NewSQL. Gre za razred relacijskih in porazdeljenih podatkovnih baz, ki odpravlja režije, ki pestijo tradicionalne relacijske podatkovne baze pri doseganju razširljivosti in visoke prepustnosti podatkov. ...