Wang, Yifan Bourhis, Pierre Rouvoy, Romain Royer, Patrick
Background. In recent years, the volume and complexity of data handled by Database Management Systems (DBMS) have surged, necessitating greater efforts and resources for efficient administration. In response, numerous automation tools for DBMS administration have emerged, particularly with the progression of AI and machine learning technologies. Ho...
Možina, David
Sedeljšak, Janez
V diplomskem delu so predstavljeni nekateri izmed najbolj uveljavljenih sistemov za upravljanje podatkovnih baz (SUPB). Kljub napredku na tem področju ostajajo relacijske podatkovne baze v veliki meri osrednja paradigma. V okviru diplomskega dela smo se osredotočili na razvoj in predstavitev lastnega relacijskega SUPB za programski jezik Python. Ra...
Micó Giner, Robert
[ES] En una empresa dedicada al telemarketing los proveedores de la misma envían a la empresa ficheros en los cuales aparece la información necesaria de los clientes potenciales para contactar con ellos. Dicha información debe ser cargada en las aplicaciones dedicadas a la gestión de llamadas. La información proporcionada necesita, en primer lugar,...
Diplomsko delo naslavlja problem izbora primerne tehnologije podatkovnega skladišča za različne tipe organizacij. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti poglavitne tehnologije na trgu programskih rešitev podatkovnega skladiščenja ter nekatere od ključnih dejavnikov pri izbiri le-teh. Rezultati diplomskega dela bodo koristili predvsem podjetjem, kate...
Törnqvist, Jakob
Zenon AB is an it-company of which, this thesis was made in collaboration with. Zenon AB has clients that generate large amounts of data, therefore it is important for Zenon AB that they make competent choices of database management systems (DBMS) when designing systems for their clients. This thesis will therefore entail research carried out into ...
Za razvoj sistema moramo najprej načrtovati arhitekturo, izbrati tehnologije ter postaviti razvojno okolje, kar nam lahko vzame precej časa. Naša aplikacija poenostavi ta proces, saj omogoča enostavno ustvarjanje relacijskih in nerelacijskih podatkovnih baz ter predlog v okolju Django. Tako lahko preprosto postavimo našo željeno bazo ali pa pričnem...
Tatsis, Konstantinos
Context: This study compares the popularity and the performance of two DBMS. The two systems are SQL and NoSQL. The objective of the study is to determine which DBMS junior developers should learn first, in order to provide a head-start to their future career. Methods: To determine the most popular DBMS, surveys are collected from the Internet and ...
Postolov, Bogdan
The main goal of this thesis is to implement a set of tools into the RadegastDB framework that will provide generating of collections, queries, and some statistical and support functions. This goal is achieved by studying the already existing tools in the RadegastDB framework, improving them, and implementing new ones. / Hlavním cílem této práce je...
Valduriez, Patrick Jiménez-Peris, Ricardo Özsu, M. Tamer
Until a decade ago, the database world was all SQL, distributed, sometimes replicated, and fully consistent. Then, web and cloud applications emerged that need to deal with complex big data, and NoSQL came in to address their requirements, trading consistency for scalability and availability. NewSQL has been the latest technology in the big data ma...