Zourek, Michal
Abstract: The study analyzes the activities of the secret services of the communist Czechoslovakia in Uruguay during the first half of the 1960s. Unlike the debates that have arisen on this subject and which have focused almost exclusively on the figure of Vivian Trías and on the Socialist Party, this text focuses on the connection of the Czechoslo...
hamr, d.
Article deals with the technical aspects of time synchronization in modern society. Specifically, the introduction of clock networks in Czechoslovakia, their technological dimension in relation to the post-war production program of the national company Elektročas. It, as the heir to the czechoslovak company Jednotný čas, took over the technical doc...
Hasil, Jan Kyselý, René Pilař, Daniel
Znovuobjevení pracovního tábora na staveništi pražského pomníku J.V. Stalina na jaře roku 2021 bylo následkem stavebního záměru pražského magistrátu. Existence tohoto specifického areálu nebyla do té doby reflektována ani v historické paměti místa, ani v odborné literatuře věnované monstróznímu památníku (odstraněnému v roce 1962), který byl zárove...
Svačinová, Iva
Published in
The article focuses on practice of secular eulogistic rhetoric in communist Czechoslovakia (1948-1989), specifically it investigates references to "afterlife" used in eulogies, which is generally conceived as allowing the bereaved to positively reappraise the death of the loved one. However, in secular eulogies, the use of "afterlife" in religious ...
Dvorsky, Vaclav; 137996;
The objective of this lecture is to present Polish students of law a short outline of the evolution of Czechoslovak and Czech private law. The legal dualism of Czechoslovakia is mentioned as well as codification efforts of the interwar period. Some attention is also given to Czechoslovak civil code of 1950, but more to that of 1964 as examples of s...
Rampley, Matthew
Published in
Visual Resources
The recent call to decolonize art history and the institutions of art have largely focused on the legacies of the major European and American colonial powers, such as Britain, France, Spain and the United States. Positioning Europe at the heart of modernity/coloniality prompts questions to do with how to place the states and cultures of east centra...
Daniel, Jan
Published in
Moravian Geographical Reports
A critical reflection on the current state of research into the history of the production of geographical knowledge during the period of state socialism is presented in this report. Using the example of the Czechoslovak administrative reform from 1949, several questionable aspects of current interpretations are identified. In particular, the proble...
Jiang, Li
Published in
Chinese Journal of Slavic Studies
Over the past 72 years since China established diplomatic relations with Czechoslovakia in 1949, bilateral relations between China and Czechoslovakia and its successor states, Czechia and Slovakia, have seen ups and downs, thanks to evolving domestic and international situations. While China-Czechoslovakia relations showed distinguishing features i...
vychytil, martin
Disertační práce se věnuje historii elektrotechnické firmy Orlické elektrotechnické závody Letohrad (OEZ) od jejího vzniku ve městě v roce 1941 do jejího odloučení se od Moravských elektrotechnických závodů (MEZ) Postřelmov v roce 1967. / The dissertation deals with the history of the electrical engineering company Orlické Elektrotechnické závody L...
Jonsson, Gabriel
This paper investigates what role Sweden, by participating in the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) since 1953, has played to maintain peace on the Korean peninsula. What specific contributions has the NNSC done? How important are they in comparison to other factors that have preserved peace? These issues are analyzed by comparing the t...