Goux, Mathieu
La linguistique de corpus et les très grands corpus outillés sont utilisés depuis plusieurs dizaines d’années pour l’étude diachronique du français. Ils ont permis d’affiner notre connaissance de son évolution et de mettre au jour des phénomènes qui n’avaient jusque-là pas été étudiés. Pourtant, leur constitution et leurs fonctionnalités de recherc...
Glikman, Julie Landragin, Frédéric Todirascu, Amalia Schnedecker, Catherine
Le corpus DEMOCRAT, constitué dans le cadre du projet ANR de même nom , dont il constitue l’un des livrables, est un corpus de textes annotés en chaînes de référence. Chaque élément référentiel (un ‘maillon’) est indiqué par un identifiant rapportant à son référent, ce qui permet la création d’une chaîne rassemblant toutes les mentions d’un même ré...
Gambette, Philippe Lechevrel, Nadège Trotot, Caroline
Pour la correction de textes obtenus automatiquement par numérisation puis reconnaissance optique de caractères, il est possible d’utiliser la plateforme Wikisource. Cette plateforme collaborative, hébergée comme Wikipédia par une fondation américaine, la Wikimedia Foundation, permet de visualiser simultanément la page scannée et le texte extrait a...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...
Biros, Camille Rossi, Caroline Sahakyan, Inesa
This article offers a descriptive and analytic view of the different stages leading to the constitution of a corpus that is representative of the issues of climate and energy justice. Overall, the corpus contains over five million words and gathers reports, newsletters and web-pages dealing with the most equitable ways of moving to a low-carbon fut...