[ES] El moderno florecimiento de investigaciones sobre la espiritualidad, la actividad religiosa y las instituciones eclesiásticas en el Perú durante el coloniaje español, parece responder al predominio general de la historia de las mentalidades, con su énfasis en los discursos y en las interioridades de la vida cotidiana. Este trabajo se ocupa jus...
The artiele deals with the religious persecution in the Iberian Peninsula during the Spanish-Gothic govemment before the Arab Conquest. Sorne years later, after the Spanish Reconquest the formation of new religious order in Spain tried to made new converse in Spain and other European countries. The new anti-Jewish spirits established the formal Hol...
This paper lends an interpretation of two folios in the historical section of Codex Telleriano-Remensis (ff . 44 recto and verso), by the method of semiotics and the idea of a possible “reading” of Aztec pictorial signs. After a detailed material description of pages and a complete palaeographical transcription of the Spanish glosses, the focus of ...
Malgré l'abandon de la White Australia Policy et les nombreux droits civiques remportés par les Aborigènes, ces derniers sont toujours grandement exclus de l'histoire officielle de la nation Australienne. Les prisonniers, les colons, les chercheurs d'or, les bushrangers, les soldats blancs sont généralement les protagonistes de cette histoire natio...
This article deals with the textual legacy of Dutch Brazil, in particular the ethnographic descriptions in one of the most popular works about the colony: Barlaeus’ Rerum per Octennium in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum. Barlaeus never set foot in Brazil, but was an important Dutch intellectual authority in the seventeenth century. To compose the ...