Canova, Aldo Lazzeroni, Paolo Lorenti, Gianmarco Moraglio, Francesco Porcelli, Adamo Repetto, Maurizio
The recent Italian regulatory framework is promoting Collective Self-Consumption to play a key role in the energy transition. In fact, this new scheme allows sharing and exchange of electricity produced from Renewable Energy Sources (RES) among different end-users living in the same multi-family building block. In this context, this paper aims to p...
Diva Mustika, Alyssa Rigo-Mariani, Remy Debusschere, Vincent Pachurka, Amaury
This study fits in the context of collective self-consumption in energy communities, where participants within a given area can exchange and trade energy among themselves. We propose a two-stage approach that decouples the operational phase, i.e., the energy management strategy (EMS), from the settlement where the energy is contractually allocated ...
Ortega Celares, Sergio
[ES] Hoy en día el efecto invernadero es un hecho y por ello a nivel mundial tenemos el deber de reducir todo lo que podamos las emisiones de los gases que provocan dicho fenómeno. Esta problemática en conjunto con la escalada de precios de la energía hace imprescindible la reducción de los consumos, la mejora de la eficiencia de las instalaciones ...
Lormeteau, Blanche
The chapter presents a comparative approach to legal regimes of collective self-consumption operations (France, Germany and Spain). It examines their relationship to the concepts of “local energy communities” and “renewable energy communities” developed by the new European energy law. Considering the modification of the roles of the different energ...
Mansó Borràs, Irene
[ES] En un contexto de crisis climática, se deben realizar todos los esfuerzos para garantizar una transición energética sostenible y justa hacia un paradigma energético renovable y descentralizado. El despliegue solar descentralizado está desempeñando un papel crucial en esta transición, acercando la generación de electricidad al consumo. Por lo t...
Lormeteau, Blanche Poupeau, François-Mathieu
L’autoconsommation collective d’électricité (ACC) est née, en France, de la loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte (LTECV). Elle est désormais définie au sein du Code de l’énergie comme étant une opération d’autoconsommation dont la fourniture d’électricité est effectuée entre un ou plusieurs producteurs et un ou plusieur...
Sangaré, Mariam Bourreau, Eric Poss, Michael
This paper presents a distributed optimization method for energy communities having distributed renewable generation and storage units. We explain how the resulting optimization problem can be cast as a bi-level optimization problem where the followers solve mixed-integer linear programs. Given the difficulty of these problems, we develop a heurist...
Lormeteau, Blanche
L’urgence climatique met en avant les dépendances énergétiques ayant placé les populations et les territoires dans un état de vulnérabilité énergétique que la Justice énergétique, comme un concept, entend identifier et analyser. La Justice énergétique intègre un critère de bonne gouvernance pour définir un système énergétique juste par l’accès pour...
Roy, Anthony Olivier, Jean-Christophe Auger, François Auvity, Bruno Bourguet, Salvy Schaeffer, Emmanuel
International audience
Gjorgievski, Vladimir Z. Velkovski, Bodan Minuto, Francesco Demetrio Cundeva, Snezana Markovska, Natasa
The financial benefits of energy sharing within a community is impacted by factors within the control of the community, such as internal rules for energy sharing, and by external factors, such as regulatory frameworks and fiscal policies. While much of the literature on energy sharing has focused on internal rules, there has been less attention pai...