Figueiredo, Olga Maíra
In the scope of space’s organization, the cemeteries are accomplished as devices of great relevance and susceptible of diverse analyses and interpretations. Marks printed by the man, reflect the social, cultural, religious and identity structure of the community that had created them, and are impregnated of values and meanings, composing, in this w...
Vignolo, Paolo
Nowadays the policies related with the historical memory and cultural heritage are at the heart of public debate in Colombia. The Victims and Land Restitution law from 2011 -one of the priorities of the Santos' government- is shaping a new official narrative about the horrors that have stained with blood the country. It is happening through a serie...
Dillmann, Mauro
Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o perfil social da Irmandade São Miguel e Almas de Porto Alegre/RS nas primeiras décadas do século XX, destacando as atuações sociais e redes de relações de alguns de seus integrantes, em especial, dos queforam sepultados no cemitério que ela mantinha. Em um período em que a secularização dos cemitérios já se...
SILVA, Robson Willians da Costa MALAGUTTIFILHO, Walter MOREIRA, César Augusto
This paper presents the results of the application of electrical resistivity method in the delineation of areas potentially impacted by necrochorume in Vila Rezende's municipal cemetery, Piracicaba - SP (Brazil). The results indicate a depth of water table among 3.1 and 5.1 m in drought, with two flow directions: a SW and another to the SE. Also in...
SILVA, Robson Willians da Costa MALAGUTTIFILHO, Walter MOREIRA, César Augusto
This paper presents the results of the application of electrical resistivity method in the delineation of areas potentially impacted by necrochorume in Vila Rezende's municipal cemetery, Piracicaba - SP (Brazil). The results indicate a depth of water table among 3.1 and 5.1 m in drought, with two flow directions: a SW and another to the SE. Also in...
SILVA, Robson Willians da Costa MALAGUTTIFILHO, Walter MOREIRA, César Augusto
This paper presents the results of the application of electrical resistivity method in the delineation of areas potentially impacted by necrochorume in Vila Rezende's municipal cemetery, Piracicaba - SP (Brazil). The results indicate a depth of water table among 3.1 and 5.1 m in drought, with two flow directions: a SW and another to the SE. Also in...
SILVA, Robson Willians da Costa MALAGUTTIFILHO, Walter MOREIRA, César Augusto
This paper presents the results of the application of electrical resistivity method in the delineation of areas potentially impacted by necrochorume in Vila Rezende's municipal cemetery, Piracicaba - SP (Brazil). The results indicate a depth of water table among 3.1 and 5.1 m in drought, with two flow directions: a SW and another to the SE. Also in...