Good agricultural practices and climate change
Subregional Workshop ENPARD Mashreq, 2015/12/08-09, Cairo (Egypt) Introductory note. ENPARD South initiative (European Commission)
Subregional Workshop ENPARD Mashreq, 2015/12/08-09, Cairo (Egypt) Introductory note. ENPARD South initiative (European Commission)
In the Mekong Delta, alluvial clay soils have been used intensively over many generations for rice monoculture. Currently, farmers are confronted by problems of declining land productivity. Rotations comprising rice and upland crops can increase soil quality, but appropriate cropping systems for paddy soils have received relatively little attention...
Résumé étendu et lien vers la vidéo de la communication. Session : Alternatives aux pesticides : agriculture intelligente et agro-écologie / National audience
Future climate change is expected to affect wheat yields. However, it is uncertain if the overall change in climate will result in wheat yield increases or decreases. This is due to the opposing effects of temperature, precipitation, and CO2 concentration on wheat yields. In this study, a meta-analysis of simulated yield change was conducted to ide...
Poster / International audience
Published in Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
In dry areas, unconventional feeds are increasingly used for mitigating feed shortages and rangeland degradation. We evaluated how feeding sheep diets containing olive leaves, saltbush leaves and olive cake affects manure quality compared to a barley straw based diet. Soil incubation and plant growth experiments were carried out to measure soil nit...
Models simulating the effects of water stress on crop growth can be valuable tools for improving water management. PILOTE, anoperative crop model, and CropSyst, a more sophisticated one, are compared on the basis of the simulation of silage maize(Zea maize L.) growth for 2 years (2009-2010) under different water supply regimes in the semi-arid clim...
In France, agronomists have studied the effects of cropping systems on soil structure using a field method based on a morphological description of soil structure. In this method, called "profil cultural" or soil profile in English, the soil structure of the tilled layer is observed on a vertical face of a pit. Subsoil and more especially the transi...
Noninversion tillage with tine- or disc-based cultivations prior to crop establishment is the most common way of reducing tillage for arable cropping systems with small grain cereals, oilseed rape, and maize in Europe. However, new regulations on pesticide use might hinder further expansion of reduced-tillage systems. European agriculture is asked ...
Cet article présente un outil de simulation adapté à la gestion de ressources en eau à l’échelle d’un territoire dans le cadre de démarches participatives. Cet outil associe un modèle de culture, Pilote Ter, et le simulateur technico-économique Olympe. Pilote Ter intègre le modèle de culture Pilote développé par Irstea et un système de base de donn...