Caen, Kevin Vermeire, Kobe Bourgois, Jan G Boone, Jan
Published in
Medicine and science in sports and exercise
The interchangeable use of whole-body exercise thresholds and breakpoints (BP) in the local oxygenation response, as measured via near-infrared spectroscopy, has recently been questioned in scientific literature. Therefore, the present study aimed to longitudinally investigate the interrelationship of four commonly used exercise thresholds: critica...
Caen, Kevin Bourgois, Jan G Bourgois, Gil VAN DER Stede, Thibaux Vermeire, Kobe Boone, Jan
Published in
Medicine and science in sports and exercise
This study aimed to investigate the effects of different work and recovery characteristics on the W' reconstitution and to test the predictive capabilities of the W'BAL model. Eleven male participants (22 ± 3 yr, 55 ± 4 mL·kg⋅min) completed three to five constant work rate tests to determine CP and W'. Subsequently, subjects performed 12 experiment...
Caen, Kevin Bourgois, Jan G Boone, Jan
Published in
Medicine and science in sports and exercise
Lievens, Maarten Caen, Kevin Bourgois, Jan Vermeire, Kobe Boone, Jan
Introduction: The purpose was to investigate the effect the recovery intensity domain on W' reconstitution. We used the W'BAL model as a framework and tested its predictive capabilities (W'PRED) across the different intensity domains. Methods: Twelve young men (51.7 ± 5.9 mL•kg•min) completed a ramp incremental test, three to five constant power ou...
Caen, Kevin Bourgois, Jan G Stassijns, Eva Boone, Jan
Published in
European journal of applied physiology
This study longitudinally examined the interchangeable use of critical power (CP), the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and the respiratory compensation point (RCP) (i.e., whole-body thresholds), and breakpoints in muscle deoxygenation (m[HHb]BP) and muscle activity (iEMGBP) (i.e., local thresholds). Twenty-one participants were tested on two ti...
Caen, Kevin Bourgois, Jan Stuer, Lena Mermans, Vincent Boone, Jan
CanWe Accurately Predict Critical Power and W ' from a Single Ramp Incremental Exercise Test ? Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 55, No. 8, pp. 1401-1408, 2023. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the suitability of a single ramp incremental test to predict critical power (CP) andW 0. We hypothesized that CP would correspond to the correc...
Lievens, Maarten Ghijs, Michael Bourgois, Jan Vermeire, Kobe Bourgois, Gil Colosio, Alessandro Boone, Jan Caen, Kevin
Purpose: The aim of this study was to characterize W' recovery kinetics in response to a partial W' depletion. We hypothesized that W' recovery following partial depletion would be better described by a biexponential than by a monoexponential model. Methods: Nine healthy men performed a ramp incremental exercise test, three to five constant load tr...