Elektronische und ionische Leitfaehigkeit von SrCeO_3 in reduzierender Atmosphaere
Thin epitaxial BiSrCaCuO-HTSC films were deposited on SrTiO_3 by MBE in an atomic layer-by-layer mode in ozone atmosphere. The properties were investigated in dependence on the stoichiometry, substrate temperature, ozone pressure, deposition rate, and thickness. The maximum critical temperature was obtained as a substrate temperature of 720 C, an o...
Baeumchen, die zuvor in Expositionskammern in mehrfachen Varianten mit Ozon begast worden waren, wurden Kontrollen gegenuebergestellt. In gleicher Weise wurden Fichten am Untersuchungsstandort Wank, die wegen hoher Nadelverluste als 'krank' eingestuft worden waren, verglichen mit dicht benadelten Baeumen. Bei diesen Untersuchungen wurde ein Wirkung...
The aim of the present thesis was to quantify the uptake of nitrogen dioxide (NO_2) and nitrogen monoxide (NO) by sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) in a concentration range corresponding to the concentration range in the present atmosphere. Furthermore, work was carried out on characterizing the parameters responsible for NO...
Deuterium permeation measurements are suitable to characterize the integrity of layers, which are preoxidized or in-situ oxidized on high temperature alloys. The permeation through metal alloys with a growing oxidized layer is described by a model with a time dependence of the permeation flux related to the growth of the oxide layer. The behaviour ...