Gouagna, Louis-Clément Kerampran, R. Lebon, Cyrille Brengues, Cécile Toty, Céline Wilkinson, D.A. Boyer, Sébastien Fontenille, Didier
Plant-derived sugar is the only source of dietary carbohydrate for males of most mosquito species. Male resource acquisition and utilization remain an under-researched area of behavior in vectors of human diseases. However, the renewed interest in the use of sterile males against disease vector mosquitoes reinforces the urgent need for studies on t...
Tainchum, K. Ritthison, W. Chuaycharoensuk, T. Bangs, M.J. Manguin, Sylvie Chareonviriyaphap, T.
We determined the species diversity, blood-feeding behavior, and host preference of Anopheles mosquitoes in two malaria endemic areas of Tak (Mae Sot District) and Mae Hong Son (Sop Moei District) Provinces, located along the Thai border with Myanmar, during a consecutive two-year period. Anopheline mosquitoes were collected using indoor and outdoo...
Gouagna, Louis-Clément Kerampran, R. Lebon, Cyrille Brengues, Cécile Toty, Céline Wilkinson, D.A. Boyer, Sébastien Fontenille, Didier
Plant-derived sugar is the only source of dietary carbohydrate for males of most mosquito species. Male resource acquisition and utilization remain an under-researched area of behavior in vectors of human diseases. However, the renewed interest in the use of sterile males against disease vector mosquitoes reinforces the urgent need for studies on t...
Navarro, J. Lopez, L. Coll, Marta Barria, C. Saez-Liante, R.
Knowing the trophic ecology of marine predators is essential to develop an understanding of their ecological role in ecosystems. Research conducted on deep-sea and threatened shark species is limited. Here, by combining analyses of individual stomach contents and stable isotope values, we examined the trophic ecology (dietary composition and trophi...
Navarro, J. Lopez, L. Coll, Marta Barria, C. Saez-Liante, R.
Knowing the trophic ecology of marine predators is essential to develop an understanding of their ecological role in ecosystems. Research conducted on deep-sea and threatened shark species is limited. Here, by combining analyses of individual stomach contents and stable isotope values, we examined the trophic ecology (dietary composition and trophi...
Allen, Thomas Prosperi, Paolo Cogill, Bruce Flichman, Guillermo
Published in
The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society
The stark observation of the co-existence of undernourishment, nutrient deficiencies and overweight and obesity, the triple burden of malnutrition, is inviting us to reconsider health and nutrition as the primary goal and final endpoint of food systems. Agriculture and the food industry have made remarkable advances in the past decades. However, th...
Chikhi, K. Padilla, M.
Cet article est une réflexion sur la modernité alimentaire en Algérie. Une enquête a été réalisée sur un échantillon raisonné de population jeune (454 étudiants), et de moins jeunes (50 enseignants), répartis dans trois wilayas de l’Ouest Algérien. Résultats : les produits modernes font partie du quotidien des consommateurs et le grignotage est pra...
Ibanez Luna, C. Hugueny, Bernard Esquer Garrigos, Y. Zepita, C. Gutierrez, R.
Vittecocq, M. Ducasse, H. Arnal, A. Moller, A.P. Ujvari, B. Jacqueline, C.B. Tissot, T. Missé, Dorothée Bernex, F. Pirot, N.
Scientists are increasingly coming to realize that oncogenic phenomena are both frequent and detrimental for animals, and must therefore be taken into account when studying the biology of wildlife species and ecosystem functioning. Here, we argue that several behaviours that are routine in an individual's life can be associated with cancer risks, o...
Vittecocq, M. Ducasse, H. Arnal, A. Moller, A.P. Ujvari, B. Jacqueline, C.B. Tissot, T. Missé, Dorothée Bernex, F. Pirot, N.
Scientists are increasingly coming to realize that oncogenic phenomena are both frequent and detrimental for animals, and must therefore be taken into account when studying the biology of wildlife species and ecosystem functioning. Here, we argue that several behaviours that are routine in an individual's life can be associated with cancer risks, o...