Greillier, Sophie
Introduction : les maladies rénales chroniques (MRC) d’origine indéterminée représentent près de 20% des insuffisances rénales chroniques (IRC) en France. L’accès aux techniques de séquençage à haut débit (Whole Exome Sequencing (WES)) a permis de montrer que les maladies rénales héréditaires représentent une part importante des néphropathies indét...
Asgarali, Ehshan Gayon, Julien Viallet, Nicolas Vacher-Coponat, Henri
Published in
Nephrologie & therapeutique
Reunion Island's population is characterized by a multiethnic origin, which makes it impossible to transpose epidemiological data of Metropolitan France. Only REIN Registry provides a macroscopic view of kidney disease, limited to the causes of end stage renal disease. This is a regional retrospective study whose main objective is to describe renal...
Chemouny, Jonathan Maurice Sannier, Aurélie Hanouna, Guillaume Raimbourg, Quentin Daugas, Éric Vigneau, Cécile Vrtovnsik, François
Published in
Nephrologie & therapeutique
Diabetic nephropathy is usually a presumptive diagnosis based on clinical and biological evidence. Renal biopsies are performed in diabetic patients with atypical findings evoking non-diabetic renal disease who could benefit from specific therapies. French speaking nephrologists were asked which criteria they retain to indicate renal biopsy in pati...
Roux, Arthur
Introduction : la prévalence de la gammapathie monoclonale (GM) et de l’insuffisance rénale augmente avec l’âge. Le néphrologue est souvent confronté à des patients présentant à la fois une GM circulante et une atteinte rénale sans pour autant savoir si ces deux manifestations sont reliées l’une à l’autre. Matériel : tous les patients ayant bénéfic...
Fedi, Mathilde Falaise, Céline Lanot, Antoine von Kotze, Clarissa Robert, Thomas Piétri, Léa Henri, Patrick Delmotte, Nicolas Botta, Danielle Verhelst, David
Hemophilia A is an X-linked genetic hemorrhagic disorder characterized by a factor VIII deficiency. The availability of secured substitution products has led to a dramatic improvement of life expectancy in hemophiliac patients. Nowadays, adult hemophiliac patients may develop Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) resulting from age-related comorbidities (hy...
Dial, Cherif Doh, Kwame Thiam, Ibou Faye, Mariam Woto-Gaye, Gisèle
Published in
Nephrologie & therapeutique
Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) is an exceptional cause of acute renal failure (ARF). The origin of the tumor clone may be lymphoid follicles secondary to renal Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. With the presentation of this clinical case, the pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and evolution of this extremely rare affection will be discussed. A 4-year-old...
Bretagnol, A. Barbier, F.
Published in
Renal failure is common in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Improved life expectancy in patients receiving combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is associated with an increasing prevalence of chronic kidney diseases (CKD) in this population, as a result of extended exposure to comor...
Lefaucheur, Carmen Nochy, Dominique Bariety, Jean
Published in
Nephrologie & therapeutique
Renal biopsy plays a central role in the investigational approach of the nephrologist. The technique has significantly improved over the past two decades as a result of the introduction of ultrasonography and automated-gun biopsy devices. Percutaneous renal biopsy has become a relatively safe procedure with life-threatening complications occurring ...
Laquet, Myriam
Sur la base des connaissances acquises sur l'histologie rénale pendant ces 40 dernières années, l'examen clinique, les examens de laboratoire et l'imagerie médicale permettent de détecter une maladie rénale et d'établir avec plus ou moins d'exactitude un diagnostic, un pronostic et un traitement adéquats. L'objectif de notre étude est d'évaluer l'i...