Les macroinvertébrés des cours d'eau andins du Sud-Ouest de la Colombie (écologie et bioindication)
Published in Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung
Durch die Quantifizierung von 12 chemischen Elementen im Organsystem von wildlebenden Ratten (Rattus norvegicus) aus dem Tierpark Zittau (Sachsen) sollte die Eignung dieser spezies als passiver Bioindikator untersucht werden. Neben der Ermittlung von sogenannten Hintergrund-konzentrationen standen insbesondere Fragen zur geschlechts-und altersspezi...
Published in Plant Ecology
Species diversity of vascular epiphyte plant communities was studied in La Carbonera, a montane rain forest dominated by Podocarpaceae in the Venezuelan Andes. We compared the epiphyte communities of the primary, disturbed, and secondary forest areas of La Carbonera in order to augment the scarce knowledge on the effects of anthropogenic disturbanc...
Published in Acta Biologica Hungarica
Lemna minor is a species easy to collect and culture in laboratory, and can give rapid test results. However, in order to standardise toxicity tests using Lemna minor as test organism, it is important to find out what natural variability different populations might have. Five Lemna populations were used for comparison. It contained two standard cul...
The acute sensitivity to CuSO4 of a broad range of nematode taxa was analyzed in order to assess the potential of changes to nematode community structure to serve as a practical tool for the bioindication of heavy-metal pollution. An easy-to-use experimental set-up was developed along with an appropriate mathematical response model in order to quan...
Published in Plant Ecology
Correlations between terricolous bryophyte flora and edaphic parameters (pH, organic nitrogen (ON), C/N, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Organic Matter (OM) and Pb, Cd and Zn soil contents) of metalliferous wastes in northern France were performed using statistical analysis (FCA, PCA and FCMA). The significant correlation between the classification...
La calidad bioindicadora de un taxón viene determinada por el grado de asociación con determinadas variables ambientales y no por otras circunstancias tales como su abundancia o tamaño. Desde esta perspectiva y desde el punto de vista del análisis del espacio agrario como un ecosistema de creciente importancia en la biosfera, el presente estudio an...
The Scientific Station of the Central University of Ecuador (UCE) receives a diversity of visitors every year. As a result of the activities of its presence, waste is generated which affects the natural environment, making the Oglán river one of the removal agents. The present study was developed through the Research Directorate of the UCE, whose o...