Hoffman, Ann N Lam, Jamie Hovda, David A Giza, Christopher C Fanselow, Michael S
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most common injuries to military personnel, a population often exposed to stressful stimuli and emotional trauma. Changes in sensory processing after TBI might contribute to TBI-post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) comorbidity. Combining an animal model of TBI with an animal model of emotional trauma, we ...
Hart, Evan E Gerson, Julian O Izquierdo, Alicia
Exposure to drugs of abuse produces maladaptive changes in cost-benefit decision-making, including the evaluation of time and risk. Studies probing the effects of drug exposure on such evaluations have primarily used experimenter-administered drug regimens. Similarly, while much is known about the neural bases of effort, there have been relatively ...
Lichtenberg, Nina T Pennington, Zachary T Holley, Sandra M Greenfield, Venuz Y Cepeda, Carlos Levine, Michael S Wassum, Kate M
To make an appropriate decision, one must anticipate potential future rewarding events, even when they are not readily observable. These expectations are generated by using observable information (e.g., stimuli or available actions) to retrieve often quite detailed memories of available rewards. The basolateral amygdala (BLA) and orbitofrontal cort...
Atucha, Erika Vukojevic, Vanja Fornari, Raquel V Ronzoni, Giacomo Demougin, Philippe Peter, Fabian Atsak, Piray Coolen, Marcel W Papassotiropoulos, Andreas McGaugh, James L
Emotional enhancement of memory by noradrenergic mechanisms is well-described, but the long-term consequences of such enhancement are poorly understood. Over time, memory traces are thought to undergo a neural reorganization, that is, a systems consolidation, during which they are, at least partly, transferred from the hippocampus to neocortical ne...
Lichtenberg, Nina T Pennington, Zachary T Holley, Sandra M Greenfield, Venuz Y Cepeda, Carlos Levine, Michael S Wassum, Kate M
To make an appropriate decision, one must anticipate potential future rewarding events, even when they are not readily observable. These expectations are generated by using observable information (e.g., stimuli or available actions) to retrieve often quite detailed memories of available rewards. The basolateral amygdala (BLA) and orbitofrontal cort...
Bin Kim, Woong Cho, Jun-Hyeong
The acquisition and retrieval of contextual fear memory requires coordinated neural activity in the hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and amygdala. The contextual information encoded in the hippocampus is conveyed to the mPFC and amygdala for contextual fear conditioning. Previous studies have suggested that a CA1 neuronal population in...
Kwapis, Janine L Alaghband, Yasaman López, Alberto J White, André O Campbell, Rianne R Dang, Richard T Rhee, Diane Tran, Ashley V Carl, Allison E Matheos, Dina P
Histone acetylation is a fundamental epigenetic mechanism that is dynamically regulated during memory formation. Histone acetyltransferases (HATs) and histone deacetylases (HDACs) compete to modulate histone acetylation, allowing for rapid changes in acetylation in response to a learning event. HDACs are known to be powerful negative regulators of ...
Park, Seongjun Guo, Yuanyuan Jia, Xiaoting Choe, Han Kyoung Grena, Benjamin Kang, Jeewoo Park, Jiyeon Lu, Chi Canales, Andres Chen, Ritchie
Optogenetic interrogation of neural pathways relies on delivery of light-sensitive opsins into tissue and subsequent optical illumination and electrical recording from the regions of interest. Despite the recent development of multifunctional neural probes, integration of these modalities in a single biocompatible platform remains a challenge. We d...
Stolyarova, Alexandra Izquierdo, Alicia
We make choices based on the values of expected outcomes, informed by previous experience in similar settings. When the outcomes of our decisions consistently violate expectations, new learning is needed to maximize rewards. Yet not every surprising event indicates a meaningful change in the environment. Even when conditions are stable overall, out...
Shackman, Alexander J Fox, Andrew S
It is widely thought that phasic and sustained responses to threat reflect dissociable circuits centered on the central nucleus of the amygdala (Ce) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), the two major subdivisions of the central extended amygdala. Early versions of this hypothesis remain highly influential and have been incorporated in...