Sanchez, G. Restrepo, S. Duque, M.C. Fregene, M. Bonierbale, M. Verdier, Valérie
La bactériose du manioc est causée par #Xanthomonas axonopodis$ pv. #manihotis$ (#Xam$). La résistance observée chez #Manihot esculenta$ a été introduite à partir de l'espèce sauvage #M. glaziovii$. Elle est supposée polygénique et héritée de manière additive. Quatre-vingt-treize variétés de #M. esculenta$ (Crantz) ont été évaluées à la fois par la...
Nicole, Michel Daniel, Jean-François Martinez, Christelle Bresson, Estelle El Bachir, O. Lopez, Frédérique Assigbetse, Komi Fernandez, Diana Montillet, J.L. Geiger, Jean-Paul
Verdier, Valérie Mosquera, G. Assigbetse, Komi
Cassava bacterial blight, caused by #Xanthomonas axonopodis$ pv. #manihotis$, is of significant concern wherever cassava is grown. The movement of infected, asymptomatic stems is a major means of pathogen dispersal. A reliable and sensitive diagnostic procedure is necessary for the safe movement of cassava planting material. We used a cloned and se...
Bestwick, C.S. Brown, I.R. Mansfield, J.W. Boher, Bernard Nicole, Michel Essenberg, M.
Mazars, E. Guyot, K. Durand, I. Dei-Cas, E. Boucher, S. Ben Abderrazak, S. Banuls, Anne-Laure Tibayrenc, Michel Camus, D.
#Pneumocystis carinii$ is an opportunistic pathogen that causes pneumonia in immunocompromised patients. To investigate the genetic diversity of #P. carinii$ populations, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis was used to analyze five enzyme systems (malate dehydrogenase, glucose phosphate isomerase, leucine aminopeptidase, malic enzyme, and 6-phosphogl...
Boher, Bernard Nicole, Michel Potin, M. Geiger, Jean-Paul
The location of lipopolysaccharides produced by #Xanthomonas axonopodis$ pv. #manihotis$ during pathogenesis on cassava (#Manihot esculenta$) was determined by fluorescence and electron microscopy immunolabeling with monoclonal antibodies. During the early stages of infection, pathogen lipopolysaccharides were detected on the outer surface of the b...
Martinez, Christelle
Les activités peroxydasiques du cotonnier (#Gossypium hirsutum$) ont été étudiées dans les cotylédons infectés par #Xanthomonas campestris$ pv. #malvacearum$ (Xcm) et les feuilles. L'activité peroxydasique totale augmente significativement dans les cotylédons de la variété résistante, dix heures après l'inoculation par Xcm. Le taux d'inhibition de ...
Mazars, E. Guyot, K. Durand, I. Dei-Cas, E. Boucher, S. Ben Abderrazak, S. Banuls, Anne-Laure Tibayrenc, Michel Camus, D.
#Pneumocystis carinii$ is an opportunistic pathogen that causes pneumonia in immunocompromised patients. To investigate the genetic diversity of #P. carinii$ populations, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis was used to analyze five enzyme systems (malate dehydrogenase, glucose phosphate isomerase, leucine aminopeptidase, malic enzyme, and 6-phosphogl...
Mazars, E. Guyot, K. Durand, I. Dei-Cas, E. Boucher, S. Ben Abderrazak, S. Banuls, Anne-Laure Tibayrenc, Michel Camus, D.
#Pneumocystis carinii$ is an opportunistic pathogen that causes pneumonia in immunocompromised patients. To investigate the genetic diversity of #P. carinii$ populations, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis was used to analyze five enzyme systems (malate dehydrogenase, glucose phosphate isomerase, leucine aminopeptidase, malic enzyme, and 6-phosphogl...
Boher, Bernard Brown, I. Nicole, Michel Kpemoua, K. Verdier, Valérie Bonas, U. Daniel, Jean-François Geiger, Jean-Paul Mansfield, J.