Arutyunyan, I.
В статье рассматривается трансформация сферы высшего образования Армении и Грузии и международное сотрудничество в данной сфере. В работе рассматриваются проведенные программы, по достижению наиболее успешных результатов, путь к конкурентоспособности и интернационализации высшего образования. Помимо этого, вступление странами в Болонский процесс и ...
Sikder, Abu Dickhoner, James Kysh, Lynn Musheghyan, Lusine Shekherdimian, Shant Levine, Barry Espinoza, Juan
Published in
JMIR human factors
COVID-19 has led to over 500 million cases and 6.2 million deaths around the world. Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) like Armenia face unique infrastructure, financial, and capacity challenges that in many cases result in worse outcomes. Health care facilities across Armenia experienced a shortage of resources, including hospital beds and o...
Karapetyan, Meri
Le thème de ce travail est la période de transition comprise entre le royaume d'Urartu et la domination de l’Iran Achéménide (VIIe-VIe siècles av. J.-C). Pour l 'histoire de l'Arménie au premier millénaire avant notre ère, cette période est mal connue et peu étudiée. Il existe toutefois des éléments pour comprendre cette période de transition. Quel...
Kricorian, Katherine Khoshnood, Kaveh Chekijian, Sharon
Published in
Public Health in Practice
Hybrid warfare strategies include weaponization of healthcare, the use of non-conventional weapons, and strategic displacement of civilian populations via direct targeting, sexual violence, disinformation campaigns, and disruption of essential services such as water, food, gas, and access to health services. All these actions harm public health. Th...
Khondkaryan, Lusine Andreasyan, Diana Hakobyan, Yervand Bankoglu, Ezgi Eylül Aroutiounian, Rouben Stopper, Helga Babayan, Nelly
Published in
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention : APJCP
Objective: Leukemia represents a serious public health concern as the incidence is increasing worldwide. In this study we aimed to describe the epidemiological profile of acute lymphoblastic (ALL) and myeloid (AML) leukemia, identify disease clusters and find association with possible risk factors. Methods: Data on leukemia cases were provided by t...
Jackson, Cath Nielsen, Siff Malue Simonyan, Brigida Kirakosyan, Marine Hovhannisyan, Marine Sahakyan, Gayane Habersaat, Katrine Bach
Published in
BMC Pediatrics
Background Childhood vaccination rates in Armenia are high. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that some health workers may advise against vaccination. The extent and reasons behind this are unknown. This study used the World Health Organization Tailoring Immunization Programmes approach to investigate medical specialists’ vaccination practices. ...
kirichenko;, alina
The increased antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage of patients in the absence of routine genotyping tests and in the context of active labor migration highlight the importance of HIV-1 drug resistance (DR) surveillance in Armenia. We conducted a two-phase pretreatment DR (PDR) study in 2017–2018 (phase I; 120 patients) and 2020–2021 (phase II; 133...
Junkar, Klara Francesca
Armenija oz. Republika Armenija je država v regiji Kavkaza, ki meji na Gruzijo, Azerbajdžan, Turčijo in Iran. Njena zgodovina sega tisočletja nazaj, zaznamovana pa je s trpljenjem, vojnami in genocidi. V njeni zgodovini so ji pogosto vladale tuje oblasti, npr. Bizantinci, Perzijci, Rusi itd. Toda kljub temu Armenija ohranja svojo kulturo. Del armen...
Atoyan, Vardan
The article discusses some issues and challenges, as well as recent developments in the sector of Armenian think tanks. Based on the analysis, it is proposed to form a more favorable environment, political culture and develop legal mechanisms for the development of the sphere and the disclosure of the potential of think tanks, to activate the conne...
Bellis, Gil Léger, Jean-François Parant, Alain
Une pleine compréhension - objective et dépassionnée - de la guerre en Ukraine impose la considération de tous les paramètres géopolitiques qui ont pu avoir une incidence sur la décision prise par la Russie de lancer le 24 février 2022 ses premières offensives sur le territoire ukrainien. Le rapport des forces démographiques est classiquement l’une...