Nettelbladt, Max Stojanovski, Kevin
This thesis provides insights into the feasibility of managing product requirements in a concept leveraging an object-centric information model. The aim of this concept is to provide efective management of product requirements in the context of rising volume and complexity of requirements. Firstly, benefts and challenges between the current documen...
Åman, Erik
Muons are elementary particles that originate from cosmic radiation. Muon detectors based on scintillation can be built from off-the-shelf components at a reasonably low cost. This master thesis focuses on designing software for muon detectors and creating a school programme that includes such detectors at a science education centre. In addition to...
Shirzad, Shams Musliu, Clirim
Cloud computing has become a cornerstone of the modern digital economy, with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) leading the market. This thesis explores the oligopolistic tendencies and lock-in effects in the cloud computing market. It examines how strategic pricing and market behaviors by these major provid...
Gatter, Fabian Soler, Isabella
The technical advancement of new Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increased during the last decade due to larger data collections. As a result, AI investments within the private sector have increased significantly. However, previous research has demonstrated that many firms struggle to successfully implement AI, and most of these initiatives end in...
Altayy, Yasmina Antoun, Haidi
Denna studie, som är ett samarbete med K-ULF, syftar till att utforma ett laborationsmoment för gymnasieelever som går kursen Programmering 1 (eller motsvarande kurser), med fokus på att stimulera datalogiskt tänkande. En litteraturöversikt genomfördes för att identifiera ett relevant ramverk för att utforma laborationsmomentet inom programmering. ...
Abucar, Amal Johansson, Elina
För att vårt samhälle ska fungera är det viktigt med funktionsmässiga vägar som möjliggör säker framkomlighet för personbilar, bussar, tåg, poliser och ambulanser. Därmed är ett fungerande avvattningssystem viktigt, då bristfälliga avvattningssystem kan leda till både sättningar, erosionsskador, vattenplaning och bortspolning av vägar.På grund av d...
Sandgren, Daniel Meyer, Lisa
Sweden is facing a wide range of threats as a risk of various crisis situations, includingnatural disasters and hostile activities like cyber attacks and terrorism. To address thesechallenges, Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) has launched the BULT project, aimedat enhancing understanding of preparedness in transportation systems. Central to...
Thunström, Josefine
Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) is a relatively newly developed system of systems concept designed to provide a new way of conducting training for, but not exclusively, fighter pilots. “Train like you fight” is a commonly used quote when talking about LVC. The ability to create an environment where fighter pilots are able to train in an envir...
Satti, Ibrahim
Technology often bridges the gap between the way we do things and how we ought to do things. As we reshape our world through new technologies, the high-stakes humanitarian space has much to contend with. This paper explores users’ experiences of using the United Nations’ (UN) dataset database, referred to as the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX), an...
Škec, Marija Majda Štorga, Mario Gero, John S.
Understanding team diversity has become essential for modern-day organisations. This study explores the impact of knowledge diversity in design teams through computational simulations. By analysing design space characteristics, we study how diverse teams perform compared to less diverse counterparts. Results reveal that highly diverse teams exhibit...