Zetterberg, Arvid Pettersson Palestro, Simon
Digital transformation and the process of large organizational change is a complex undertaking. To ease the process, organizations can employ champions who act as facilitators, guiding individuals towards a desired outcome. In this study, we explore the function and purpose of champions, investigate which qualities and responsibilities can be emula...
Robson Gjakova, Miranda Somi, Maria Svensson, Johanna
Kommunikationsförmågan kan vara en nyckelkomponent för utveckling av de andra förmågorna i matematik. Genom att eleverna tillåts kommunicera matematiska idéer genom matematiska uttrycksformer får eleverna möjlighet att uttrycka sin kunskap och sin förståelse samt fördjupa sin förståelse för ämnet. Men hur lärare bör utforma matematikundervisningen ...
Piorkowski, Bartosz Michal
Denna kvasiexperimentella studie syftade till att undersöka hur en lektionsserie kan struktureras och implementeras med mål att utveckla gymnasieelevers förmåga att använda sig av generativ artificiell intelligens som ett pedagogiskt verktyg. För att möta detta syfte genomfördes tre lektioner om artificiell intelligens, maskininlärning, neurala nät...
Bergman Larsson, Niklas Talåsen, Jonatan
This master thesis explores the transformative potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in enhancing business processes across various industries, with a specific focus on Management Innovation. As organizations face the pressures of digitalization, LLMs emerge as powerful tools that can revolutionize traditional business workflows through enhance...
Felländer, Gustav
This master’s thesis project investigates the utilization of a low-cost hyperspectral (HS) imaging rig to identify and classify drought stress in pine plants. Drought stress is a widespread environmental challenge affecting global forestry, requiring more resources as the industry grows and global warming rises. This provokes a need for affordable,...
Hörting, My Adina Edbom, Albin
In this thesis, a task-based qualitative study was conducted at a volunteer defense organization, the Swedish Working Dog Club (Svenska Brukshundklubben). The organization contributes to total defense by training patrol dogs and their handlers for the Home Guard. The Swedish Armed Forces have established guidelines for training instructors in volun...
Svensson, Nathalie Winsa, Mathias
Inledning: Kantbalkar på broar är en utsatt konstruktionsdel som ofta har beständighetsproblem och betongkantbalkar är svåra att utföra till den kvalitet som krävs. I denna studie undersöks möjligheten att byta ut den traditionella betongkantbalken till en fiberförstärkt polymerkomposit (FRP-komposit) med avseende på trafiksäkerhet, beständighet oc...
Ramström, Albin Jimmy, Lindström
This report is the result of thesis work within the Bachelor of Engineering: Production andProduct Design program, with a focus on product development, at Mälardalen University. Itwas carried out in collaboration with Westinghouse Electric Company, a leading player in thenuclear power industry with its factory in Västerås, Sweden. The project aimed...
Hosseiniakram, Pedram
This thesis presents the development of an innovative force-sensing attachment device designed to determine the optimal pressure to be applied by a pressure cuff during pediatric ultrasound-guided venous access procedures. This initiative addresses the critical challenge of vein compressibility in pediatric patients, whose smaller and more compress...
Li, Jesper Morad, Issa
There are many frameworks in the JavaScript ecosystem. Nowadays, new frameworks are released consistently. Frameworks such as Angular and Qwik use different processes like hydration and resumability, respectively. These frameworks solve many maintainability issues, and solves problems such as multiple event handlers, simultaneously offering a large...