On August 19, 1925, Walter Benjamin and Asja Lacis published Naples in Frankfurter Zeitung. It is an essay about the Italian city, where they analyze the customs and cultural practices of the area through a peculiar method of image superimposition. It is common to interpret One-Way Street as the work in which Benjamin first approaches physiognomy a...
If allegory is fundamentally a way of reading and writing (in short, of think-ing), which, in a Christian key, is linked to personal salvation, this activity, in fact, cannot be obviously separated from the act of faith, nor in the fundamental desire of God, that is, that impulse that returns the human being to his perfection. The always renewed ha...
[ES] Este proyecto se basa en la representación mediante naturalezas muertas de las 5 etapas del duelo: Negación, Ira, Negociación, Depresión y Aceptación. Planteado desde la arteterapia, busca ayudar a reconocer los sentimientos experimentados en el duelo, para la aceptación de la pérdida del ser querido. Cada bodegón representa una etapa y se com...