Marín Berttolini, Claudia Cristell
This analysis focuses on an allegory of the nuns as part of the sacred herd and protected by the Good Shepherd; it represents a small sheep with white wimple and black veil, referring to a professed nun, living in the mystical garden of the convent in the promise of the spiritual union with Jesus Christ. With a function that transits among an alleg...
Tal, Tzvi
Analyzing the allegorical and ideological functions of cinematographic initiation narratives centered on children’s characters reminiscent of military dictatorships, the presence of the concept of genocide in the discourse on state terror exercised by the last military civic dictatorship and the uses of animation as an aesthetic artifact which repr...
Rojas, Gonzalo Ignacio
The present article will analyze the voice of the narrator from the rhizomatic figure (Deleuze and Guattari) to determine its non-place in the construction of narrative scenes in the new performative forms of literary expression. Therefore, this condition will be reviewed from two Benjaminian notions, the allegory and the quotation to determine tha...
Sabater Araújo, Ana María
[ES] El Faro es un proyecto de novela gráfica que explora la relación de dos hermanos gemelos, solos en una isla en la que se alzan las ruinas de una torre. Nuestro proyecto de TFG consiste en la realización de una novela gráfica presentada como un dosier editorial. / [EN] The lighthouse is a graphic novel project that explores the relationship bet...
Montesinos Castañeda, María
Law’s importance in application and execution of Justice is shown in this virtue both theoretically and visually. Law is concreted visually in Justice’s image through different attributes which highlight the importance of law in its practice. Moreover, law has been considered by thinkers as one of virtues that compose Justice. This consideration ha...
Montesinos Castañeda, María
Though Italian influences prevail in Fortitude’s visual tradition, during 15th and 16th centuries, some artists in the French ambit abandoned its codified attributes in order to develop new ones. This gave rise to a «new visuality», which provided a new iconographic type for visual coalescence of Fortitude. Such innovation is the iconic manifestati...
Rovira Gimeno, Josep M. García-Estévez, Carolina B.
[EN] Enric Miralles would go so far as to say that all his projects were also public spaces. This essay reconstructs the theoretical framework in which his architecture is positioned as a problem around the origin of form and time, while interpreting the intellectual references and the countless allegorical universes to which his creative output re...
Rovira Gimeno, Josep M. García-Estévez, Carolina B.
Enric Miralles would go so far as to say that all his projects were also public spaces. This essay reconstructs the theoretical framework in which his architecture is positioned as a problem around the origin of form and time, while interpreting the intellectual references and the countless allegorical universes to which his creative output refers....
Garnica, Naim
The work reconstructs the reception of the thought of Fr. Schlegel in the early work of Paul De Man. Our hypothesis holds that if we analyze the essays produced before the 1980s, it can be appreciated that De Man inscribes the romanticism from some of the critics of romanticism, but, at the same time, it modifies the organic and totalizing image of...
Montesinos Castañeda, María
Justice, as one of Cardinal Virtues, has been object of thinking by thinkers since Antiquity, when the bases of this concept were established. This virtue has important and theoretical antecedents, which contributed to the configuration of its visuality during Middle Ages. The attributes of Justice are the visual concretions of its features. The co...