Synthesis of crop trial data can generate insights that are not available from the analysis of individual studies, but such synthesis is often constrained by the heterogeneity of data among studies. Rank-based data synthesis provides the flexibility to combine data of heterogeneous types and from different sources. We demonstrate the application of...
In-field data were collected in Costa Rica between 2018-2021 on newly planted grafted and non-grafted coffee plants grown under artificial shade nets and across an elevation gradient (1050, 1250 and 1450 m.a.s.l). The coffee plants consisted of Coffea arabica F1 hybrid plants ('H3 i.e. Caturra cv. X Ethiopian 531'), which were derived from a somati...
Le vermicompostage des biodéchets est une filière peu étudiée mais potentiellement intéressante car elle repose sur l'utilisation de vers de terre pour transformer ces déchets en vermicompost. Les objectifs de ce travail de recherche sont d'évaluer (1) de manière qualitative et quantitative la qualité du vermicompost issus des biodéchets urbains, (...