TOLENTINO JUNIOR, Joao BatistaREZENDE, RobertoITAKO, Adriana TerumiFREITAS, Paulo Sergio Lourenco deFRIZZONE, Jose Antonio
The aim was to verify if the fungigation via drip irrigation is an alternative to the conventional method of spraying on tomato for controlling early blight. Tomato plants (variety Santa Clara) were grown in pots inside a greenhouse. Fifty days after transplanting, the plants were inoculated with Alternaria solani and treated with four different fu...
SILVA, Alinne daPEREIRA, TamaraCOELHO, Cileide Maria MedeirosALMEIDA, Jaime Antonio deSCHMITT, Catiline
Seed phytate and protein content in beans depending on the application of basalt powder. The content of phytate in the grains is correlated with the supply of phosphorus to the plant, but there is a lack of knowledge as to possible effect of slower availability of nutrients in the soil. The objectives of this study were to assess the effect of rock...
Le modèle input-output régional environnementalisé développé dans la thèse de M. Cordier suggère qu'il serait possible de restaurer 25 % des surfaces naturelles de nourriceries de poissons détruites dans l'estuaire de la Seine entre 1834 et 2004. Le modèle suggère que la mesure de restauration pourrait augmenter de 15 % à 23 % la biomasse de soles ...
Le son et la paille de blé, riches en hémicelluloses, sont deux co-produits de la récolte de blé, abondants et renouvelables, mais qui restent à mieux valoriser. Dans le but d'extraire ces hémicelluloses, possédant plusieurs propriétés intéressantes (filmogènes, épaississantes, émulsifiantes, stabilisantes ), un procédé de fractionnement a été élab...
TOLENTINO JUNIOR, Joao BatistaREZENDE, RobertoITAKO, Adriana TerumiFREITAS, Paulo Sergio Lourenco deFRIZZONE, Jose Antonio
The aim was to verify if the fungigation via drip irrigation is an alternative to the conventional method of spraying on tomato for controlling early blight. Tomato plants (variety Santa Clara) were grown in pots inside a greenhouse. Fifty days after transplanting, the plants were inoculated with Alternaria solani and treated with four different fu...
We present the experience of the second Winter School in Landscape Agronomy (WLSA) for PhD students in agronomy developed by a French-Italian team of researchers with various backgrounds but all working in an agronomical context which requies a landscape scale vision and concerns agro-environmental and territorial issues. The lack of a common langu...