Herzog, Felix Jeanneret, Philippe Ammari, Youssef Angelova, Siyka Arndorfer, Michaela Bailey, Debra Balázs, Katalin Báldi, András Bogers, Marion Bunce, Robert G. H.
About one-third of the world’s land surface is used for farming, a fact that bears important implications for biodiversity. In Europe, for instance, an estimated 50 percent of all wild species are reliant on agricultural habitats, while agricultural productivity often depends on the presence or absence of particular species. Despite this close coup...
Choisis, Jean-Philippe Thévenet, Carole Gibon, Annick
The huge changes in agricultural activities, which may be amplified by the forthcoming Common Agriculture Policy reform, call the future of crop-livestock systems into question and hence the impact of these changes on landscapes and biodiversity. We analyzed relationships between agriculture, landscape and biodiversity in south-western France. The ...
Ryschawy, Julie Choisis, Norma Choisis, Jean-Philippe Gibon, Annick
In the current context of market fluctuation on agricultural products prices, European agriculture is endangered. In hilly areas, the orientation of CAP policy promoting specialization added to an always increasing lack of work forces challenges the future of farms. Nevertheless, farmers found how to adapt to local context to last on the long term....
Taghavi, Lobat Probst, Jean-Luc Merlina, Georges Marchand, Anne-Laure Durbe, Gaël Probst, Anne
In this paper, pesticide transfer dynamic is studied during two flood events in a small experimental catchment close to Toulouse (south west France). Thirteen pesticide molecules (herbicides, fungicides) have been analysed by multi-residue technique on filtered and unfiltered waters. The results show very high pesticide concentrations in the differ...
Leclerc, Grégoire Bommel, Pierre Gibon, Annick Lasseur, Jacques Morales, Hermes
La modélisation participative présente de fortes contraintes liées, d’une part, à l’expression et au partage de points de vue, et, d’autre part, à l’intelligibilité des modèles. Elle impose des simplifications et des arbitrages. Nous partons de l’hypothèse qu’un processus de prospective participative s’appuyant sur des simulations fait ressortir le...
Targetti, Stefano Viaggi, Davide Cuming, David Sarthou, Jean-Pierre Choisis, Jean-Philippe
Organic and low-input farming practices are considered keystones for the conservation of biodiversity in semi-natural systems. Accordingly, attention to the assessment of the benefits stemming from these activities is increasing in order to provide a solid base for the adoption of agro-environmental incentives and to support their monitoring and ev...
Mawussi, G Sanda, K Merlina, G Pinelli, E
Published in
Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment
Drinking water, cowpea and maize grains were sampled in some potentially exposed agro-ecological areas in Togo and analysed for their contamination by some common organochlorine pesticides. A total of 19 organochlorine pesticides were investigated in ten subsamples of maize, ten subsamples of cowpea and nine subsamples of drinking water. Analytical...
Degrange, Béatrice Sans, Pierre
Le réseau « Egalité des Chances entre les femmes et les hommes » de l’enseignement supérieur agricole a initiée en 2005, dans un contexte de féminisation croissante de ses effectifs, une étude visant à mieux comprendre les choix d’orientation et motivation des étudiants et la construction progressive de leur identité professionnelle. On cherche en ...
Sans, Pierre Fontguyon, Guy de
This paper provides an outline of the veal industry, its standing relative to other cattle farming enterprises, and its future prospects. In 2008 some 20 per cent of bovines slaughtered in the EU were for veal production and about one-third of them were dairy calves. France, the Netherlands and Italy were Europe’s leading producers. Veal consumptio...
Evon, Philippe
L'extraction aqueuse des lipides de la graine de tournesol est étudiée en contacteur agité. La diffusion à l'intérieur des particules est le facteur limitant de l'échange de matière. Les protéines sont impliquées dans l'entraînement et la stabilisation des lipides par l'eau. Le fractionnement de la plante entière est également étudié avec l'eau en ...