Chauveau, Philippe Lasseur, Catherine Nodimar, Céline Prezelin-Reydit, Mathilde Trolonge, Stanislas Combe, Christian Aparicio, Michel
Published in
Nephrologie & therapeutique
The acid production of endogenous origin depends mainly on the metabolism of the food and varies with the nature of these. Of the order of 1mEq/kg/day for contemporary food in industrialized countries, it is reduced by more than one third among vegetarians and close to neutrality among vegans. The dietary acid load is eliminated by the normal kidne...
Gava, Aldo Molossi, Franciéli A. Wicpolt, Nathalia S. Ogliari, Daiane Cardoso, Thalita C. Traverso, Sandra D. Wisser, Claudia S.
RESUMO: Descrevem-se os dados epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos e lesões produzidas no rúmen pela ingestão de soro de leite fermentado. Adoeceram 160 bovinos incluindo vacas, novilhas ebezerras, dos quais 87 morreram. Um dia após terem sido fornecidos 6.000 litros de soro de leite, os bovinos manifestaram perda de apetite, andar cambaleante, endofta...
Bertoldi, Gustavo Perina
The objective was to evaluate if ruminal pH, total tract digestibility, ruminal degradability of the nutrients, feeding behavior and thermography images were similar for cannulated Nellore cattle previously exposed to nutritional restriction or intake of concentrate feedstuffs when the finishing diet was introduced. It was used six 20-mo-old Nellor...
Bertoldi, Gustavo Perina
The objective was to evaluate if ruminal pH, total tract digestibility, ruminal degradability of the nutrients, feeding behavior and thermography images were similar for cannulated Nellore cattle previously exposed to nutritional restriction or intake of concentrate feedstuffs when the finishing diet was introduced. It was used six 20-mo-old Nellor...
Bertoldi, Gustavo Perina
The objective was to evaluate if ruminal pH, total tract digestibility, ruminal degradability of the nutrients, feeding behavior and thermography images were similar for cannulated Nellore cattle previously exposed to nutritional restriction or intake of concentrate feedstuffs when the finishing diet was introduced. It was used six 20-mo-old Nellor...
Pascal, Marine
L'acidose est une composante pathologique majeure des syndromes touchant le veau nouveau-né. Evaluer son intensité et adapter sa prise en charge sur le terrain est un écueil. L'examen clinique, la biochimie sanguine et urinaire de 193 veaux hospitalisés à la clinique vétérinaire du Donjon entre 2014 et 2015, ont été analysés pour étudier la relatio...
Zandoná, Bruna Amorim de Oliveira, Cleyton dos Santos Alves, Ragami C. Smolarek, André de Camargo Souza Júnior, Tácito Pessoa de
Beta-alanine is a non-proteogenic amino acid limiting precursor of carnosine synthesis. The increase of muscular carnosine has been considered a factor of physical capacities reinforcement and neuromuscular fatigue decrease. In this context, the use of beta-alanine as an ergogenic aid has been frequently described. This review aims to analyze the m...
Garabedian, Charles
La surveillance du bien-être fœtal pendant le travail repose essentiellement sur l’enregistrement du rythme cardiaque fœtal (RCF). Celui-ci, même continu pendant le travail, ne permet pas d’évaluer parfaitement l’oxygénation du fœtus ni le risque d’asphyxie néonatale. En effet, cet outil est imparfait et son évaluation subjective avec une important...
Serraj Akasbi, Nada
La prolongation de la grossesse, chez même des patientes à bas-risque, est une situation obstétricale qui présente un risque important de morbi-mortalité, non seulement maternelle, mais aussi et surtout fœtale et néonatale, notamment en cas de survenue d’acidose sévère. Objectif : identifier les facteurs de risque en ante et per-partum favorisant l...
Pereira, Ismael de Castro
O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o impacto da flutuação natural da ingestão de massa seca no desempenho, características de carcaça, comportamento ingestivo, perfil metabólico sanguíneo e aspectos morfofisiológicos ruminais de bovinos alimentados com dietas de alta inclusão de concentrado, por meio de estudo meta-analítico. Os experimen...