Macroeconomic evaluation of rape cultivation for biodiesel production in Germany Preliminary report from ifo Schnelldien...
Dosage systems for future gaseous fuels were investigated, starting from the assumption that storage in the liquid stage will resolve the conflict of targets between required volume and stored energy. This, however, means pressures at, or hardly above, atmospheric pressure, and very short dosing times. A prototype system was developed using modern ...
Schonung der Ressourcen und Reduzierung der Umweltbelastung sind gesellschaftliche Forderungen, die im Automobilverkehr weltweit zu strengeren Abgas- und Verbrauchsgesetzen fuehren. Fuer den Entwicklungsingenieur von Verbrennungsmotoren bedeutet die gleichzeitige Reduzierung der Abgasemissionen, Verbesserung des spez. Krafstoffverbrauchs und die Er...
Biodiesel has been produced for the German market since 1993. With domestic biodiesel production of the year 2001, about 500 million litres of fossil diesel could be substituted. At the same time, glycerine is produced as a by-product, as well as rape meal, a high-quality protein fodder. The economic output of the rape biodiesel production chain co...
Continuing the previously published yearly issues, this issue again reports in an informatively categorizing form on production and sales in the automotive industry in the Federal Republic of Germany in the reporting year. The development of previous years is also shown in a sufficiently categorized form. The tables mainly refer to the results of t...