Henneron, Ludovic Chauvat, Matthieu Bureau, F. Richter, C. Boulanger, V. Ningre, François Perret, Sandrine Balandier, Philippe Aubert, M.
Global warming imposes new constraints on forest ecosystems and induces forest management adaptation. Consequently, the French forest policy currently promotes a reduction of stand density to face increasing summer droughts risk and provide higher supply of firewood. However, few studies have yet assessed the potential impact of this forest managem...
Rouveure, R. Faure, P. Marionneau, A. Rameau, P. Moiroux-Arvis, L.
Shear cutting heads are standard devices in the domain of energy wood harvesting, that can be easily implemented on hydraulic excavators. In order to increase the operational flexibility of these machines, it could be interesting to be able to separate the lower part and the upper part of standing trees. Currently, the use of shear cutting heads fo...
Maeght, Jean-Luc
Balandier, Philippe
Pour répondre aux prévisions d’une augmentation de la demande de bois énergie et pour limiter la sensibilité des peuplements aux sécheresses estivales, la sylviculture devrait conduire à des peuplements forestiers moins denses ; ces modifications de pratiques sont susceptibles d’impacter la biodiversité. Le projet Imprebio visait à quantifier les e...
Ligot, G. Balandier, Philippe Courbaud, Benoît Claessens, H.
Radiation is fundamental in forest ecosystem ecology as it drives plant photosynthesis, morphogenesis, and fluxes of carbon, water, and energy between soil, vegetation, and the atmosphere. Though all approaches of forest radiative transfer models (FRTM) share general properties, they differ greatly in terms of calibration parameters, required assum...
Jourand, Philippe Hannibal, Laure Majorel, Clarisse Mengant, S. Ducousso, M. Lebrun, M.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) isolates of Pisolithus albus (Cooke and Massee) from nickel-rich ultramafic topsoils in New Caledonia were inoculated onto Acacia spirorbis Labill. (an endemic Fabaceae) and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (used as a Myrtaceae plant host model). The aim of the study was to analyze the growth of symbiotic ECM plants growing o...
Jourand, Philippe Hannibal, Laure Majorel, Clarisse Mengant, S. Ducousso, M. Lebrun, M.
Ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) isolates of Pisolithus albus (Cooke and Massee) from nickel-rich ultramafic topsoils in New Caledonia were inoculated onto Acacia spirorbis Labill. (an endemic Fabaceae) and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (used as a Myrtaceae plant host model). The aim of the study was to analyze the growth of symbiotic ECM plants growing o...
Anthelme, Fabien Gomez-Aparicio, L. Montufar, R.
The degradation of the Andean cloud forest raises strong biological conservation issues and threatens the sustainability of a crucial water resource. The idea that nurse-based restoration can accelerate the recovery of these forests is underexplored, despite its promise as a restoration technique. Recent conceptual models predict that facilitation ...
Maeght, Jean-Luc
Anthelme, Fabien Gomez-Aparicio, L. Montufar, R.
The degradation of the Andean cloud forest raises strong biological conservation issues and threatens the sustainability of a crucial water resource. The idea that nurse-based restoration can accelerate the recovery of these forests is underexplored, despite its promise as a restoration technique. Recent conceptual models predict that facilitation ...