Zones difficiles, politiques publiques et agricultures, cas des zones arides au Maghreb
International audience
International audience
EU enlargement revives the debate around the participation to the EMU. We use a gravity model to see whether informal barriers have changed over a ten-year period covering the creation of the EMU, and whether their impact on European member countries' agriculturaland food trade has been modified. We find that it has led to lower information costs. ...
EU enlargement revives the debate around the participation to the EMU. We use a gravity model to see whether informal barriers have changed over a ten-year period covering the creation of the EMU, and whether their impact on European member countries’ agricultural and food trade has been modified. We find that it has led to lower information costs....
International audience
International audience
International audience
La filière agricole et agro-alimentaire de la région présente des caractéristiques contrastées associant, d'un côté, des énergies et des savoir - faire mobilisant le potentiel de l'agriculture régionale et de l'autre, des déficiences importantes en termes de logistique et de mise en marché des productions. Le diagnostic affiche les composantes des ...
International audience
International audience
International audience