Transformation von Waerme mit einer dreistufigen Absorptionsanlage
In der Arbeit wird ein zweistufiger Absorptionswaermetransformator mit hohem Temperaturhub zur Aufwertung von Waerme experimentell und theoretisch untersucht. Es konnte bei den experimentellen Untersuchungen des zweistufigen 'Double-Lift'-Waermetransformators mit dem Arbeitsstoffpaar Wasser/Lithiumbromid ein Temperaturhub ueber 60 K erzielt werden....
The heat pump transformer supplies heat for a destillation device with a capacity up to 70 kW at a temperature of 103 C. The total available waste heat of the destillation device with a temperature of about 85 to 90 C is taken by the heat pump transformer. The heat pump transformer in directly heated with vapour from a boiler (7-10 bar). Compared t...
Available from TIB Hannover: RN 7431(36) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische Informationsbibliothek / SIGLE / DE / Germany
The aim of this project was to carry out energetic analysis of typical technical processes in the industrial field, in which low-temperature heat is used. In the frame of these experiments waste heat potentials of the production process were discovered. Furthermore the possibilities of refeeding the waste heat by means of heat transformation plants...
The report presents the results of DLR achieved under the BMBF-sponsored project for 'Development and trial of an output-controlled absorption heat pump for domestic heatings'. Project activities coordination was in the hands of DLR, and the work was carried out in cooperation with the company Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH and the Martin-Luther Universi...