Cette étude porte sur les matériaux graveleux latéritiques utilisés dans de nombreux pays pour la construction des couches de fondation et de base des chaussées routières. Au Sénégal, les matériaux sont sélectionnés par référence aux règles du CEBTP de 1972, révisées en 1980. Les graveleux latéritiques doivent respecter des fuseaux granulométriques...
This thesis presents a study into the flow processes in the Chalk unsaturated zone at a research site in east Yorkshire. The unsaturated zone plays an important role in reducing groundwater flooding by temporally spreading the impact of storm recharge events and provides a buffer in which surface contaminants may be delayed and attenuated before re...
Vesuvius in Southern Italy is among the most densely populated active volcanoes on Earth. Although famous for its Plinian eruption that destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum in AD 79, its recent activity, between 1631 and 1944, was primarily effusive. Data from field studies, analogue modelling and historical accounts are here combined to investigate V...
La migration des gaz dans les roches résulte de processus naturels et artificiels. Sa compréhension intéresse en particulier le Traité d'interdiction complète des essais nucléaires (Tice), afin d'améliorer la détection des explosions nucléaires souterraines par la mesure des gaz radioactifs. Ces travaux s'inscrivent également dans de nombreux domai...
The dearth of local scale data in remote high latitude areas means that regional scale data is commonly interpolated to fill the gap. These interpolations have limited accuracy due to the influence of complex topography and resultant decoupling of near-surface temperatures from regional free-air temperatures. Thus relatively little is known about h...
Diffuse sources of sediment may have important implications for flood risk management (FRM), especially as catchment sediment yields are predicted to increase in future. UK legislation requires FRM to work with natural processes wherever possible, including accounting for sediments. However, the importance of wash-material load to FRM has been unde...
Historically, volcanic research has been focussed primarily upon the geological hazard of eruptions while the exposure of the population at risk is often understudied. However, contemporary disaster risk management requires the analysis of vulnerability and hazard exposure, which is imperative at Volcan de Colima (VdC), Mexico, due to the predicted...