Histoires de vieux (Un regard sur le quotidien des personnes âgées au Brésil)
This study aims at ascertaining via a cross-country/cross-city comparison why different national contexts characterized by allegedly opposite ideologies concerning the incorporation of immigrants (namely, the British Race Relations/multicultural model and French republicanism) have led to the adoption of similar policy tools in the prevention of fo...
L idée majeure de cette thèse de Doctorat part d un regard sur les réalités en Chine. L objectif majeur de cette thèse est celui d essayer d offrir des suggestions pour les villes chinoises à partir de l expérience française en matière d aménagement et de mise en œuvre de projets de développement urbain à large échelle. Comprendre le contexte, le m...
In current times, with business as the focal point of society in which economic strain is prevalent, it is important to be able to investigate the dysfunction and deviance that can arise as a result, since their effects will be felt in all aspects of modern social life. Upon this assumption, the current research investigates the influence of busine...
Depuis l entrée en vigueur de la loi n 68-5 du 3 janvier 1968 portant réforme du droit des incapables,la sous-population des majeurs protégés s est fortement modifiée, aussi bien au niveau de son effectifqu au niveau de sa structure. Toutefois, par manque de données statistiques, cette sous-population estde nos jours encore méconnue. Afin d amélior...
An increase in longevity has had a major impact on demographics in Scotland with the need to shift the balance and reshape care, specifically for older people. The aim of transforming services has been a priority for the Scottish Government following the publication of major health and social care policy documents (2005-2011). This research study a...
Discretionary time, that is, time not constrained by work activities that can be used at one's own discretion, is an important welfare resource, providing opportunities for social and political participation, rest, and recreation. Contrary to the optimism of earlier sociological literature that predicted a 'leisure revolution' driven by economic pr...
In the dementia and food literature, the focus is on eating in institutional settings; from formal caregivers' perspectives (Watson & Green, 2006). The current thesis aims to investigate the phenomenon of dementia and food processes (shopping, preparation and eating) from caregivers' perspectives, using four different research methodologies. In Stu...
This thesis reports on an ethnographic investigation of the everyday lives of Mexican transnational families living in the USA and Mexico. It gives an account of how migrants and their families who stayed behind experienced and coped with separations and how they negotiated, maintained and continually redefined their family relationships and emotio...