De Saille, Stevienna Marie
Although questions about the production of knowledge are finally beginning to be asked within social movements studies, these tend to rely on a very vague definition of 'knowledge', obscuring activists' engagement with informal and formal research, as well as social forms of knowledge. This thesis employs an analytic framework in which social movem...
Gutridge, Kerry
The aim of the thesis is to establish whether "assisted self-harm" is ethical or moral, when used in adult acute inpatient environments; in other words, whether it is consistent with how people should live their lives and treat others. "Assisted self-harm" refers to management strategies for self-harm which strive to reduce/limit, rather than stop,...
Whitaker, Christopher Michael
Exclusion, reintegration, and sexual offending are explored in this thesis with particular reference to the 'black box' of probation practice. Exclusion and reintegration are discussed in conceptual terms and with reference to existing theoretical and empirical literature. Conceptually, exclusion and reintegration are both complex and diverse, with...
Ponsford, Ruth
This thesis explores the consumer practices of a group of young mothers in the city of Bristol. A staged and incremental research design was followed, which incorporated aspects of participant observation, activity based focus groups and a photo elicitation exercise. The study focuses on how a group of young mothers managing on limited incomes enga...
Tetteh, Lovelace
Incidents that have occurred in some parts of the world have alerted researchers and industries of the need to focus on safety culture. Assessing safety culture provides an "early warning" signal of potential safety system failure. The objective of the research was to examine how the industry manages safety, how safety is perceived by employees wor...
Seglow, Jonathan Springfield, Michelle
This thesis examines the enduring problem of food insecurity in Africa, with a particular focus on Ethiopia and Kenya. It considers food insecurity both in acute terms - the occurrence of famine and chronic terms - famine vulnerability. More specifically it provides a new interpre~tion of the causes of food insecurity in East Africa, with respect t...
Willis, Katie Ferreira, Francisco
This thesis is an ethnographic study of Taulli, a “Peruvian peasant community” (PPC) in the highland region of Ayacucho. PPCs are a paradigmatic type of Andean community with distinctive communal features and great historical significance. The thesis offers a detailed case study that contributes to an understanding of the maintenance, current role,...
Cette recherche interroge les fonctionnements et les formes d'engagement associatif au sein d'organisations de défense des consommateurs situées à Valparaíso (Chili) et en Moselle. Il s'agit ici de comprendre comment, dans des associations institutionnalisées ou en plein processus d'institutionnalisation, l'articulation complexe entre la volonté de...
PARIS7-Bibliothèque centrale (751132105) / Sudoc / Sudoc / France / FR
DE PAUW, Caroline CRESSON, Geneviève
Dans leur injonction au corps médical de porter une attention particulière aux personnes précaires, les politiques publiques fixent un objectif général sans avoir défini le périmètre d action ou le champ d intervention. En l absence de référentiel commun explicite, les généralistes se demandent quels publics sont visés et pour quelle prise en charg...