Si-based Micro Hollow Cathode Discharges : from Fabrication to Application
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International audience
Post-mortem analyses suggest that arcs in contact with metallic walls are the main cause of impurities and dust formation in tokamaks [1,2]. Such dust and impurities represent important operational and safety issues for next-step fusion devices like ITER and DEMO. If dipolar arcs, which occur in between adjacent Plasma Facing Components (PFCs), are...
We report a method to obtain biocompatible PEG copolymer coatings inside High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Pyrex tubes, which was successfully developed by using a transporting discharge. The latter being a dry process, it is easier to apply as compared to the conventional multistep wet chemical techniques. The results presented in this paper sh...
Dans ce travail, après l’état de l’art et la présentation de méthodes de synthèse et d’analyse, nous présentons des résultats sur la croissance sélective de Cu2O et Cu métallique par dépôt par couche atomique (ALD) sur ZnO, ZnO dopé à l’Al (AZO) et α-Al2O3. Nous mettons en évidence la possibilité de déposer de façon sélective Cu métallique ou Cu2O,...
The paper discusses the characterization of the three high power steady-state and load-resilient ICRF launchers of WEST before their installation in the tokamak. These launchers have been characterized and validated in low-power experiments (milliwatt range) as well as in experiments at the nominal RF voltages and currents in the TITAN vacuum chamb...
$Scikit$-$rf$ is an open-source Python package developed for RF/Microwave engineering. The package provides a modern, object-oriented library for network analysis and calibration which is both flexible and scalable. Besides offering standard microwave network physics and operations, it is also capable of advanced operations such as interpolating be...
International audience
Despite many decades of study, models of discharges in molecular gases still lack accurate data on many key col-lisional processes, both in the gas phase and on surfaces, necessary for reliable predictive modeling. Good data is lacking for electron-impact dissociation, surface recom-bination, reactions with metastables, gas heating mecha-nisms, ene...
International audience