Danto, Anatole Danto, Jules
Les dynamiques territoriales des époques socialistes et post-socialistes ont affecté les productions halieutiques. Une forte transition du secteur de la pêche vers celui de l’aquaculture s’est opérée et se poursuit aujourd’hui. Cette transformation est à la fois subie, issue de dérèglements environnementaux, mais aussi recherchée dans un cadre soci...
Larnier, Kevin Monnier, Jerome
A new algorithm to estimate river discharges from altimetry measurements only is designed. A first estimation is obtained by an artificial neural network trained from the altimetry large scale water surface measurements plus drainage area information. The combination of this purely data-based estimation and a dedicated algebraic flow model provides...
Cazé, Cosma Réveillas, Justine Danto, Anatole Mazé, Camille
Published in
Frontiers in Marine Science
The issue of bycatch is raising considerable political, mediatic and scientific attention. Bycatch is one of the main causes of at-sea mortality for small cetacean species and for seabirds. Scientists are raising alerts regarding the potential effects on the structure of the ecosystem, increasingly aiming for research-action. Decision-makers are fa...
Islam, M. Atta, Ummar Wani, A. Gatoo, A. Shah, Murtaza Dar, Masood Ahmad
Entrepreneurship on non-timber forest resources (NTFR) is an important source of sustainable livelihoods and income diversification in the Gurez valley of Kashmir. In order to increase the efficiency of NTFR stakeholders, training is indispensable. This study attempts to assess the training needs, suitable training programme and socioeconomic profi...
Bloeschl, Gunter Bierkens, Marc F. P. Chambel, Antonio Cudennec, Christophe Destouni, Georgia Fiori, Aldo Kirchner, James W. McDonnell, Jeffrey J. Savenije, Hubert H. G. Sivapalan, Murugesu
This paper is the outcome of a community initiative to identify major unsolved scientific problems in hydrology motivated by a need for stronger harmonisation of research efforts. The procedure involved a public consultation through online media, followed by two workshops through which a large number of potential science questions were collated, pr...
Danto, Anatole
Depuis des temps immémoriaux, les communautés côtières pratiquent une pêche active aux poissons, notamment migrateurs (appelés poissons amphihalins), au sein des estuaires du nord de l’Europe. Un véritable système sociotechnique s’est ainsi mis en place, allant de l’osiériculture jusqu’à la consommation de poissons, en passant par la vannerie et la...
Magnan, Alexandre K Oppenheimer, Michael Garschagen, Matthias Buchanan, Maya K Duvat, Virginie K E Forbes, Donald L Ford, James D Lambert, Erwin Petzold, Jan Renaud, Fabrice G
Published in
Scientific reports
Sea level rise (SLR) will increase adaptation needs along low-lying coasts worldwide. Despite centuries of experience with coastal risk, knowledge about the effectiveness and feasibility of societal adaptation on the scale required in a warmer world remains limited. This paper contrasts end-century SLR risks under two warming and two adaptation sce...
Heshmatol Vaezin, Seyed Mahdi Marage, Damien Garcia, Serge
Natura 2000 contracts in the EU aim to maintain, or restore natural habitats to a favorable conservation status. This article aims to analyze the cost-effectiveness of Natura 2000 forest contracts at the individual level of intervention areas in France. The level of long-term biodi-versity was assessed using ex-ante and ex-post levels of conservati...
Fatima, Arib Essaid, Tarbalouti Et-Touile, Houria Aboutayeb, Moussane
Les dépenses de santé, les émissions de CO2 et la croissance économique jouent un rôle central dans le débat actuel sur la protection de l'environnementet le développement durable, Le dioxyde de carbone est le principal GES qui détériore l'environnement et a un impact sur la santé humaine. En parallèle, la croissance économique affecte également le...
Mazé, Camille Cherques, Camille Danto, Anatole Réveillas, Justine Cazé, Cosma
This article focuses on the stories of key women scientists (Rachel Carson, Anita Conti, Aliette Geistdoerfer, Elinor Ostrom and Elisabeth Mann Borgese) who had a major impact on ocean conservation. Through these portraits of women scientists from the Western world, we study their trajectories in the professional world of the sea, an environment la...