Laboratory measurements on noise reducing PERS test slabs
Forum Acusticum 2014, CRACOVIE, POLOGNE, 07-/09/2014 - 12/09/2014
Forum Acusticum 2014, CRACOVIE, POLOGNE, 07-/09/2014 - 12/09/2014
This paper describes a database of high spatial resolution head-related transfer functions (HRTF) measurements for 54 subjects (42 males, 12 females) and 3 dummy heads. The head-related impulse responses (HRIR) have been measured in IRCAM's anechoic chamber using the exponentional sweep sine technique and a sampling rate of 96 kHz. Microphones were...
The study of sound propagation through forested areas remains an important topic for the outdoor sound propagation community. Absorption from forest ground at low frequencies, multiple scattering caused by tree trunks and the modification of temperature and wind gradients directly impact sound propagation in significant forested areas. The present ...
The propagation through a lattice made with two waveguides periodically coupled by perforations is studied at low-frequencies. A degree of inhomogeneity is introduced with parametrically opened diaphragms inserted into one waveguide of the lattice. Analytical results obtained thanks to the fourth-order transfer matrix formalism illustrate three phy...
Quantitative Ultrasound techniques for determining the tissue microstructure rely on theoretical scattering models to fit the BackScatter Coefficient (BSC) from biological tissues to an estimated BSC using an appropriate model. The models adapted to densely packed cells in tumors are the Structure Factor model (SFM) and the Particle Model (PM, i.e....
This paper proposes a multimodal approach to estimate the area function and the length of the vocal tract of oral vowels. The method is based on an iterative technique consisting in deforming an initial area function so that the output acoustic vector matches a specified target. The chosen acoustic vector is the formant frequency pattern. In order ...
Although acoustics is one of the disciplines of mechanics, its ”geometrization” is still limited to a few areas. The Reissner beam is one of the simplest acoustical system that can be treated in the context of mechanics with symmetry. It seems that the non-linear phenomena can be handled in their intrinsic qualities through the concepts of differen...
In this paper a novel algorithm for sound texture synthesis is presented. The goal of this algorithm is to produce new examples of a given sampled texture, the synthesized textures being of any desired duration. The algorithm is based on a montage approach to synthesis in that the synthesized texture is made up of pieces of the original sample conc...
In this paper, we propose the Modulation Scale Spectrum as an extension of the Modulation Spectrum through the Scale domain. The Modulation Spectrum expresses the evolution over time of the amplitude content of various frequency bands by a second Fourier Transform. While its use has been proven for many applications, it is not scale-invariant. Beca...
Pitch Salience Function For Polyphonic Music Using The Partial Frequencies Deviation