Bost, XavierLabatut, VincentGueye, SerigneLinarès, Georges
Modern popular TV series often develop complex storylines spanning several seasons, but are usually watched in quite a discontinuous way. As a result, the viewer generally needs a comprehensive summary of the previous season plot before the new one starts. The generation of such summaries requires first to identify and characterize the dynamics of ...
High quality panoramic videos for immersive VR content are commonly created using a rig with multiple cameras covering a target scene. Unfortunately, this setup introduces both spatial and temporal artifacts due to the difference in optical centers as well as the imperfect synchronization. Traditional image quality metrics cannot be used to assess ...
This paper addresses the distributed computation of exact, non-asymptotic confidence regions for the parameter estimation of a linear model from observations at different nodes of a network of sensors. If a central unit gathers all the data, the sign perturbed sums (SPS) method proposed by Csáji et al. can be used to define guaranteed confidence re...
This paper presents a different way to improve the resistance of digital watermarking. Using the well known Lattice QIM in the spatial domain, we analyze the interest of using a different kind of error correcting codes: rank metric codes. These codes are already used in communications for network coding but not used in the context of watermarking. ...
Mesaros, AnnamariaHeittola, ToniBenetos, EmmanouilFoster, PeterLagrange, MathieuVirtanen, TuomasPlumbley, Mark
Public evaluation campaigns and datasets promote active development in target research areas, allowing direct comparison of algorithms. The second edition of the challenge on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE 2016) has offered such an opportunity for development of state-of-the-art methods, and succeeded in drawing t...
The resolution enhancement of textual images poses a significant challenge mainly in the presence of noise. The inherent difficulties are twofold. First is the reconstruction of an upscaled version of the input low-resolution image without amplifying the effect of noise. Second is the achievement of an improved visual image quality and a better OCR...
El Jaouhari, SaadBouabdallah, AhmedBonnin, Jean-Marie
In this paper, we present an e-health architecture that provides secure remote medical services using WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication). The goal is to allow patients (injured, elderly, disabled, etc.) to benefit from a medical assistance just by calling a remote medical support (doctors, nurses, hospitals, etc.) using a real-time multimedia com...