Carrillo-Longoria, Javier-Alonso Gaylord, Gibson Andrews, Lukas Powell, Madison
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Arctic Grayling Thymallus arcticus are Holarctically distributed, with a single native population in the conterminous United States occurring in the Big Hole River, Montana, where water temperatures can fluctuate throughout the year from 8 to 18 °C. A gradual increase in mean water temperature has been reported in this river over the past 20 years ...
Osborne, Megan J Sanchez, Alyssa V Dowling, Thomas E Turner, Thomas F
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Studying the reproductive ecology of aggregate broadcast spawning fishes is difficult because it generally is not feasible to sample all potential parents and unambiguously assign their offspring. We used molecular-based parentage analysis to gain insights into the reproductive ecology of the endangered Bonytail, and to evaluate whether protected o...
Huntsman, Brock M Martin, Roy W Patten, Kirk
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Diversity in habitat and life-history strategies promote a species' long-term persistence. However, life-history strategies are most commonly studied at broad spatial and temporal scales. We applied longevity growth models and closed N-mixture models to examine within- versus between stream variability in life-history characteristics of Rio Grande ...
Brian W., Hodge Margaret A., Wilzbach Walter G., Duffy Rebecca M., Quiñones James A., Hobbs
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Oncorhynchus mykiss exhibits a vast array of life histories, which increases its likelihood of persistence by spreading risk of extirpation among different pathways. The Klamath River basin (California–Oregon) provides a particularly interesting backdrop for the study of life history diversity in O. mykiss, in part because the river is slated for a...
Grantham, Theodore E Newburn, David A Mccarthy, Michael A Merenlender, Adina M
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Increasing human pressures on freshwater resources have led to global declines in fish populations and have made the protection of instream flows critical to the conservation of riverine ecosystems. However, uncertainty in predicting ecological responses to flow variability has hindered implementation of successful environmental flow management.An ...
Thompson, Lisa C. Voss, Jenna L. Larsen, Royce E. Tietje, William D. Cooper, Ryan A. Peter Moyle
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
We surveyed large wood volumes in relation to the distribution and density of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and steelhead (anadromous rainbow trout) in 15 stream reaches in the upper Salinas River watershed, California, which represents the southern end of the species\^a\texteuro\texttrademark range. The main tree species contributing to large ...
Ward, Darren M Nislow, Keith H Chen, Celia Y Folt, Carol L
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Mercury (Hg) is a potent toxin that biomagnifies in aquatic food webs. Large fish generally have higher Hg concentrations than small fish of the same species. However, models predict that fish that grow large faster should have lower Hg concentrations than small, slow-growing fish due to somatic growth dilution (SGD). We examined the relationship b...
Lubinski, Benjamin J. Jackson, John R. Eggleton, Michael A.
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Floodplain lakes of large river systems contain fish habitats that are not found elsewhere within the river, and these lakes have a diversity of environmental conditions that vary in space and time. Our objective was to examine relationships between floodplain lake fish communities and environmental variables associated with lake morphology, water ...
Kimmerer, Wim Avent, Sean R. Bollens, Steven M. Feyrer, Fred Grimaldo, Lenny F. Peter Moyle Nobriga, Matt Visintainer, Tammie
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
The biomass of fish populations is often calculated from abundance-by-length data using length\^a\texteuro\textquotedblleftweight (LW) relationships from separate studies (e.g., from the literature). Estimates of biomass determined this way have two principal sources of error: (1) error in total numbers and size distribution of fish due to sampling...
Matern, Scott A. Peter Moyle Pierce, Leslie C.
Published in
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
We used monthly otter trawling and beach seining to sample the fishes of Suisun Marsh in the San Francisco Estuary from 1979 to 1999. We collected nearly 173,000 fish, mostly young of the year, representing 28 native species and 25 alien species. Catch data were related to temperature, salinity, water transparency, and several measures of freshwate...