Siddiquee, Hasan Broyles, Christopher Kotta, Erica Liu, Shouzheng Peng, Shiyu Kong, Tai Kang, Byungkyun Zhu, Qiang Lee, Yongbin Ke, Liqin
Published in
Nature communications
Cordero, Julio Swaminathan, Guruprasadh Rogel-Ayala, Diana G Rubio, Karla Elsherbiny, Adel Mahmood, Samina Szymanski, Witold Graumann, Johannes Braun, Thomas Günther, Stefan
Published in
Nature communications
The dynamics of three-dimensional (3D) genome organization are essential to transcriptional regulation. While enhancers regulate spatiotemporal gene expression, chromatin looping is a means for enhancer-promoter interactions yielding cell-type-specific gene expression. Further, non-canonical DNA secondary structures, such as G-quadruplexes (G4s), a...
Morioka, Yushi Zhang, Liping Cooke, William Nonaka, Masami Behera, Swadhin K Manabe, Syukuro
Published in
Nature communications
Antarctic sea ice extent has seen a slight increase over recent decades, yet since 2016, it has undergone a sharp decline, reaching record lows. While the precise impact of anthropogenic forcing remains uncertain, natural fluctuations have been shown to be important for this variability. Our study employs a series of coupled model experiments, reve...
Grewal, Ramandip Nguyen, Lena Buchan, Sarah A Wilson, Sarah E Nasreen, Sharifa Austin, Peter C Brown, Kevin A Fell, Deshayne B Gubbay, Jonathan B Schwartz, Kevin L
Published in
Nature communications
Wu, Wanjie He, Yingzhu Chen, Yujun Fu, Yiming He, Sicong Liu, Kai Qu, Jianan Y
Published in
Nature communications
Bae, Christopher J Wu, Xiujie
Published in
Nature communications
Latinne, Alice Hu, Ben Olival, Kevin J Zhu, Guangjian Zhang, Li-Biao Li, Hongying Chmura, Aleksei A Field, Hume E Zambrana-Torrelio, Carlos Epstein, Jonathan H
Published in
Nature communications
Bats are presumed reservoirs of diverse coronaviruses (CoVs) including progenitors of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. However, the evolution and diversification of these coronaviruses remains poorly understood. Here we use a Bayesian statistical framework and a large sequence data set fr...
Scherschel, Marie Niemeier, Jan-Ole Jacobs, Lianne J H C Hoffmann, Markus D A Diederich, Anika Bell, Christopher Höhne, Pascal Raetz, Sonja Kroll, Johanna B Steinbeck, Janina
Published in
Nature communications
The NADPH/NADP+ redox couple is central to metabolism and redox signalling. NADP redox state is differentially regulated by distinct enzymatic machineries at the subcellular compartment level. Nonetheless, a detailed understanding of subcellular NADP redox dynamics is limited by the availability of appropriate tools. Here, we introduce NAPstars, a ...
Latinne, Alice Hu, Ben Olival, Kevin J Zhu, Guangjian Zhang, Libiao Li, Hongying Chmura, Aleksei A Field, Hume E Zambrana-Torrelio, Carlos Epstein, Jonathan H
Published in
Nature communications
Nguyen, Ngoc Minh Farge, Emmanuel
Published in
Nature communications
The development and origin of animal body forms have long been intensely explored, from the analysis of morphological traits during antiquity to Newtonian mechanical conceptions of morphogenesis. Advent of molecular biology then focused most interests on the biochemical patterning and genetic regulation of embryonic development. Today, a view is ar...