Haft, Stephanie L Greiner de Magalhães, Caroline Hoeft, Fumiko
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
Exposure to stigma and stereotype threat is detrimental for numerous marginalized groups. Research has demonstrated that individuals with specific learning disabilities (SLDs) are vulnerable to stigmatization. The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize the studies investigating associations between SLD-related stigma and stereotype thre...
Morgan, Paul L Woods, Adrienne D Wang, Yangyang
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) overdiagnosis and overtreatment unnecessarily exposes children to potential harm and contributes to provider and community skepticism toward those with moderate or severe symptoms and significant impairments, resulting in less supportive care. Yet, which sociodemographic groups of children are overdia...
King, Seth Wang, Lanqi Datchuk, Shawn M Rodgers, Derek B
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
Learning disabilities (LD) may affect a range of academic skills but are most often observed in reading. Researchers and policymakers increasingly recommend addressing reading difficulties encountered by students with LD using evidence-based practices, or interventions validated through multiple, high-quality research studies. A valuable tool in id...
Satsangi, Rajiv Raines, Alexandra R
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
As digital technology use increases in K-12 education, greater numbers of strategies become available to support students in mathematics. One technology that provides students diverse representations of mathematical concepts is virtual manipulatives. Although instruction featuring representations with physical manipulatives possesses a large body o...
Shanahan, Emma McMaster, Kristen L Bresina, Britta Cook McKevett, Nicole M Choi, Seohyeon Lembke, Erica S
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
Teacher-level factors are theoretically linked to student outcomes in data-based instruction (DBI; Lembke et al., 2018). Professional development and ongoing support can increase teachers' knowledge, skills, and beliefs related to DBI, as well as their instructional fidelity (McMaster et al., 2020). However, less is known about how each of these te...
Mattison, Richard E Woods, Adrienne D Morgan, Paul L Farkas, George Hillemeier, Marianne M
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
We examined to what extent subgroups of students identified with learning disabilities (LDs; N = 630) in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998 to 1999 (ECLS-K): 1998 national longitudinal study displayed heterogeneity in longitudinal profiles of reading and mathematics achievement from first to eighth grades. Multivaria...
Piasta, Shayne B Logan, Jessica A R Zettler-Greeley, Cynthia M Bailet, Laura L Lewis, Kandia Thomas, Leiah J G
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
Preschool-age children identified as at risk for later reading difficulties can benefit from supplemental, small-group emergent literacy intervention. As such interventions become commercially available and marketed to preschool programs, it is important to understand their impacts when implemented by intended end users under routine conditions. In...
Re, Anna Maria De Vita, Francesca Cornoldi, Cesare Schmidt, Susanna
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
Copying a text quickly and accurately is important both in school and in daily life. However, this skill has never been systematically studied, either in children with typical development (TD) or in children with specific learning disabilities (SLD). The aim of this research was to study the features of a copy task and its relationship with other w...
Philippakos, Zoi A Traga Wang, Chuang MacArthur, Charles
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
The purpose of the study was to validate a writing motivation questionnaire that consists of four scales for first-year college writers-students with low writing skills in basic writing classes and students in typical first-year composition (FYC)-to investigate differences between these two groups and to examine the relationship of motivational con...
Greenberg, Daphne Perin, Dolores
Published in
Journal of learning disabilities
The purpose of this special issue's five articles is to highlight issues regarding decoding, comprehension, oral language fluency, and writing for adults with low literacy skills. Our authors' samples include adults attending adult literacy programs, as well as those who are attending postsecondary programs who may or may not have official learning...