Lukač Reberski, Jasmina Selak, Ana Lapworth, Dan J Maurice, Louise D Terzić, Josip Civil, Wayne Stroj, Andrej
Published in
Journal of hydrology
Emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) have become of increasing interest due to concerns about their impact on humans and the wider environment. Karst aquifers are globally widespread, providing critical water supplies and sustaining rivers and ecosystems, and are particularly susceptible to pollution. However, EOC distributions in karst remain quit...
Kazmierczak, Jolanta Dang, Trung Trang Jakobsen, Rasmus Hoang, Hoan Van Larsen, Flemming Sø, Helle Ugilt Pham, Nhan Quy Postma, Dieke
Published in
Journal of hydrology
The relation between arsenic groundwater concentrations and hydrogeological processes was investigated in the proximal part of the Red River delta, Vietnam, west of the depression cone formed by the exploitation of groundwater in Hanoi. Flow paths in the Quaternary aquifers were modeled based on previously interpreted geological structure and hydro...
Zhang, Xiaoxian Neal, Andrew L. Crawford, John W. Bacq-Labreuil, Aurelie Akkari, Elsy Rickard, William
Published in
Journal of Hydrology
Soil structure is an indicator of soil quality and its alterations following cropping system conversion or fertilization change evolve slowly. How such alterations vary with scale remains elusive. We investigated this based on the Rothamsted long-term wheat experiment (since 1843) in the UK. Triplicate cores 7 cm high and 10 cm in diameter were tak...
Alfieri, Lorenzo Lorini, Valerio Hirpa, Feyera A. Harrigan, Shaun Zsoter, Ervin Prudhomme, Christel Salamon, Peter
Published in
Journal of Hydrology
Global and continental scale hydrological reanalysis datasets receive growing attention due to their increasing number of applications, ranging from water resources management, climate change studies, water related hazards and policy support. Until recently, their use was mostly limited to qualitative assessments, due to their coarse spatial and te...
Alfieri, Lorenzo Zsoter, Ervin Harrigan, Shaun Aga Hirpa, Feyera Lavaysse, Christophe Prudhomme, Christel Salamon, Peter
Published in
Journal of hydrology: X
Early warning systems (EWS) for river flooding are strategic tools for effective disaster risk management in many world regions. When driven by ensemble Numerical Weather Predictions (NWP), flood EWS can provide skillful streamflow forecasts beyond the monthly time scale in large river basins. Yet, effective flood detection is challenged by accurat...
Vanham, D Gawlik, B M Bidoglio, G
Published in
Journal of hydrology
During the last years, the city of Hong Kong has made large investments to make its urban water supply system more water efficient and sustainable. As such, its municipal water abstraction - often defined as direct water use - has decreased from 355 litre per capita per day (l/cap/d) in 2005 to 326 l/cap/d in 2013. Due to its political history, Hon...
Pagliero, Liliana Bouraoui, Fayçal Diels, Jan Willems, Patrick McIntyre, Neil
Published in
Journal of hydrology
This work investigates regionalization techniques for large-scale model applications in the frame of a pan-European assessment of water resources covering approx. 740,000 km2 in Western Europe. Using the SWAT platform, four variants of the similarity based regionalization approach were compared. The first two involved unsupervised clustering to def...
Nosrati, Kazem Collins, Adrian L.
Published in
Journal of Hydrology
Road construction associated with land development generally increases erosion and sediment yields. Construction of unpaved roads has the potential to alter hydro-sedimentological behavior and catchment sediment source dynamics and, to date, this has largely been investigated in forested environments. The objective of this study, therefore, was to ...
Hirpa, Feyera A Salamon, Peter Beck, Hylke E Lorini, Valerio Alfieri, Lorenzo Zsoter, Ervin Dadson, Simon J
Published in
Journal of hydrology
This paper presents the calibration and evaluation of the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), an operational system that produces ensemble streamflow forecasts and threshold exceedance probabilities for large rivers worldwide. The system generates daily streamflow forecasts using a coupled H-TESSEL land surface scheme and the LISFLOOD model for...
Li, Zhongyang Wang, Di Zhang, Xiaoxian Crawford, John W
Published in
Journal of hydrology
Water flow along or across the interfaces of contrasting materials is ubiquitous in hydrology and how to solve them in macroscopic models derived from volumetric average of the pore-scale processes remains elusive. While the change in the average velocity and pressure at water-sediment interface has been well established for channel flow over porou...