Speidel, Klaus
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
Unacknowledged by its practitioners, narratology has often been revisionary rather than descriptive when categorizing narratives. This is because definitions, expert judgment and personal intuition, traditionally the main tools for categorization, are vulnerable to media blindness and to being theory loaded. I argue that to avoid revisionary accoun...
Horstmann, Jan
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
The transmedial discussion in this article shows that the terms narrative mediation and representation should be carefully distinguished from fiction or fictionality. The constitutive use of ‘real’ (or factual) artifacts in performative media (i. e. media which present embodied events, such as theater or film) provides a good example for the necess...
Hansen, Per Krogh
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
This article explores the nexus between narrative and metaphor by examining a specific and widespread metaphor in the discourse on cancer, namely “the war against cancer”, and paying attention to the function it has in the narratives we tell about cancer – personally as well as culturally and politically. Of special interest is how this dominant me...
Puxan-Oliva, Marta
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
As proposed by Olson and Copland (2016), “the politics of form” should help us examine both the ways in which politics condition narrative form and the ways in which narrative forms, in turn, participate in their political contexts. Contextualist approaches in narratology have gained attention since the beginning of the 21st century, but theorists ...
Mrugalski, Michał
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
Considering that enacitivsm emerged in rebellion against the representativism of first-generation cognitive science, an enactivist approach to narrative, which after all does relate events, situations, people, necessitates a directly realistic (i. e. anti-representationalist) concept of perspective on literary objects. Ingarden’s description of the...
Baryshnikova, Daria
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
In the early 1960 s Brion Gysin, while experimenting in various genres and media, “re-invented” the cut-up technique that first had appeared in the 1910-1920s in Dadaists art practices. The accidental selection of texts’ or visuals’ fragments and the randomness in their combination in cut-ups were aimed to represent multiple experiences occupying t...
Bellardi, Marco
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
This article focuses on the imitation of film form in cinematic novels and short stories on the level of narrative discourse and introduces the concept of ‘para-cinematic narrator’. The author compares the temporality expressed by verbal tenses in literature and the temporality expressed through film semiosis. The connection between film and litera...
Caracciolo, Marco
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
Scientists and scholars in multiple fields have been discussing the current geological epoch under the heading of the “Anthropocene” – an era marked by the planetary impact of human activities (Crutzen and Stoermer 2000). The epistemological shift brought about by this notion exposes the latent anthropocentrism of narrative practices, raising a cha...
Hyvärinen, Matti
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
Narrative space has attracted increasing attention in recent years, yet this attention only sporadically falls on narrative geography. In this article, I consider the possibility of geographical socionarratology and suggest that a geographical approach is able to enrich the perspective of socionarratology. Correspondingly, a social perspective can ...
Prokhorov, George Saveliev, Sergey
Published in
Frontiers of Narrative Studies
In the 16th century most of Russia is still a terra incognita with a highly dubious and mostly mythologized geography, anthropology, and sociology. In this article we look at some texts of the Early Modern period – Sir Thomas Smithes Voiage and Entertainment in Rushia (1605), Peter Mundy’s Travel Writings of 1640–1641, and The Voiages and Travels o...