Biggart, John Bulgakowa, Oksana
Published in
Cultural Science Journal
This article examines some of the theoretical issues that exercised Sergei Eisenstein during the years 1920–1924 when he worked in the Russian Proletarian Cultural-Educational Organization (Proletkult), of which Aleksandr Bogdanov was one of the founders. We ask how far Eisenstein was influenced by Marxism in general and by the ideas of Bogdanov in...
Vassilieva, Julia
Published in
Cultural Science Journal
Biggart, John
Published in
Cultural Science Journal
Aleksandr Bogdanov’s theory of culture has been outlined in a number of key works on his life and work.See Sochor (1998); Mally (1990); White (2019b). The purpose of the present article is to situate his ideas on the social function of the arts within the framework of his theory of culture. I point out that, whereas in his general theory of social ...
Tompsett, Fabian
Published in
Cultural Science Journal
Poustilnik, Simona
Published in
Cultural Science Journal
Russian Darwinism developed without Malthus – without the struggle for existence. There is a remarkable link connecting the understanding of the Russian Darwinists of ‘natural podbor’ as ‘fine-tuning’ by nature and Aleksandr Bogdanov’s concept of tektological ‘podbor’ (‘assembling’) as the universal mechanism of the construction of any organization...
Bulgakowa, Oksana
Published in
Cultural Science Journal
In 1932, Sergei Eisenstein started work on his key theoretical book, Grundproblem (later Method), which would present his theoretical system. In the very first notes, he defines a goal that seems to be similar to Aleksandr Bogdanov’s tektology: to find a basic structure – an isomorph – for a work of art but also for the growth of plants and bones, ...
Biggart, John Bulgakowa, Oksana
Published in
Cultural Science Journal
Tikka, Pia
Published in
Cultural Science Journal
In the newly founded Soviet Union, Aleksandr A. Bogdanov and Segei M. Eisenstein, each in his own way, struggled to make sense of the world by means of the most recent findings in the sciences. Both were driven by a desire to describe the universal laws of organization that would embrace the dynamics of the human mind and society, mutually, in arts...
Owen, Samantha
Published in
Cultural Science Journal
On 19 July 2021 John and I met at Curtin University on the unceded lands of the Noongar people to discuss his passage from cultural studies to cultural science. For a short time I was the caretaker Editor-in-Chief and so it seemed appropriate that John and I have the conversation to mark the transition of the journal to a new home and team followin...
Tompsett, Fabian
Published in
Cultural Science Journal