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Wettelijke Onderzoek Taken WOT-05 Visserijonderzoek Jaarverslag 2016

  • Verver, S.W.
Publication Date
Jan 01, 2017
Wageningen University and Researchcenter Publications
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The programme WOT-05 Fishery Research is carrying out statutory research tasks related to the management of the fishery and aquaculture in the Netherlands. The programme is developed in consultation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs (EZ). The content and scope of programme has been agreed for the period 2011-2015. In September 2015 it was decided to extend the programme till 31 December 2016. This report is a technical report and summarises the progress made in carrying out the work plan of 2016. Fisheries policy makers and managers are dependent on up-todate information. The aim of this programme is to contribute to the collection of essential data needed for the management of fisheries, fish stocks and aquaculture through sampling programmes in as well marine and inshore areas. The data collection includes sampling programmes on fish species landed in fishing ports, discard and by-catch monitoring programmes on board of commercial vessels and scientific surveys using research vessels. In addition, monitoring programmes on shellfish (bivalves) are carried out in coastal waters to estimate the biomass of these resources. In national fresh waters also the eel stock and the stocks in IJsselmeer and Markermeer are monitored. The data have been used to provide advice which is also part of this programme. The advice for marine stocks and fisheries is based on analyses of international data carried out by working groups. The main frameworks in which this was done were ICES and STECF. These frameworks also play a role in the international co-ordination of the research carried out in this programme. The programme is carried out by the Centre for Fisheries Research (CVO) and the Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES, since September 2016 Wageningen Marine Research) in IJmuiden. The programme is financed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and coordinated by Sieto Verver (CVO) CVO rapport 17.002 Jaarverslag WOT visserij 2016 23 of 98 The programme has been executed according to a pre-agreed work plan. It consists of eleven projects, each managed by a project manager. Each project consists of several sub-projects. This document contains two main sections: 1) a report presenting standard information requested by the Ministry discussing the progress made with the research targets set in the pre-agreed working programme and 2) an annex including technical progress reports of the individual projects. Scientific results are not discussed but references are given to the (scientific) products. Also a short version of this progress report is available All the pre-agreed targets in the work plan have been met within the available financial budget. The report format includes a financial summary over 2016. The total cost of the programme in 2016 was 6.6 million Euro. About 0.69 m€ of the 2016 budget was forwarded to 2017 part as a reservation of activities which are planned in 2017.

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