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Volatility in Expectations While Awaiting Important News

  • Wilson, Melissa
  • Sweeny, Kate
Publication Date
Jul 01, 2024
eScholarship - University of California
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Waiting for important news is uniquely anxiety provoking, and expectations for one's outcome fluctuate throughout the wait. Emotional volatility is typically associated with negative outcomes, but little is known about volatility in expectations. In Study 1, law graduates (N = 248) estimated their chances of passing the bar exam every 2 weeks during the wait for results. Greater volatility in expectations, operationalized as the frequency with which outcome expectations changed during the wait, was associated with greater worry and more negative emotionality throughout the wait. Study 2 partially replicated these findings in a sample of Trump and Biden supporters (N = 444) awaiting the result of the 2020 presidential election. Study 2 also demonstrated a causal link between constrained (vs. volatile) expectations and worry. Our findings have implications for how best to manage one's expectations while awaiting important news, with the goal of minimizing worry and other negative emotions.

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